MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

9. Attendance for MSVCC Courses - We are not taking proper attendance for MSVCC courses. Local students are only ones recorded and hosted students are not included. Krista LeBrun recommends Attendance Committee to be formed. Raoul would like to be included. IT people needed, as well. Possibly faculty and/or data entry people that assist with audit. Roll Call is an option that can be integrated with API and SIS via Canvas. Canvas contract ends 2018. Need to remove extra work on faculty. Send recommendation for SubCommittee/update Google doc. 10. IOY Nominations - Request made for MSVCC to pay for IOY nominees to attend CFTTC. Not all colleges nominated an instructor. Recommendation that nominees be limited to one per college with MSVCC paying a stipend for reimbursement to attend. Possibility of revising process for reviewing nominees. Quality subcommittee will need to make a recommendation on how to reevaluate review process. Vote needed for how to proceed with candidate number. 11. Real Time Pilot Update - Concerns over Prospectus. CTE Dean certifies instructor is in good standing and decides what course will be offered via the MSVCC. Instructor required to have synchronous component that will not be required for attendance or grading. CTE will handle all training and act as source of support. MELA did not vote to move forward. Dean/Director of eLearning does not sign off on anything. Course funded and advertised as MSVCC. Academy and Local training not considered in documents. Has not been brought to presidents for approval. CCTO group requested more information. How will course be identified in SIS and ET to identify the synchronous component? Potential of changes to P and P, removal of MELA from process. MELA defining guidelines for how it is to be done since, ultimately, falls under purview of MSVCC. Will work to bring groups together for positive resolution. 12. SARA - all invoices have been received and payment will be made


Action Items A. Strategic Planning Committees - Review and Update Committees. Where to plan and serve? Google doc will be created. B. Nominations for MELA Secretary FY 2017 - Will vote for new secretary in May. Provide nominations to Buffy in order for names to be on ballot by May. Kim Ellis volunteers for role. C. Respondus - Motion to continue contract with discounted Test Gen made by Jennifer Leimer. Phyllis Johnson seconded. Passed. D. NetTutor - Motion to amend contract to cover increased usage made by Keri Cole. Kimberly Ellis seconded. Passed. E. MILD Grant - Motion to go to 15k for grant made by Keri Cole. Tish Stewart second. Passed. Motion to add stipulation that minimum of 3k must be for PD (Admin Committee will revamp document) made by Jennifer Leimer. Phyllis Johnson seconded. Passed. F. IOY - Motion made for 500 stipend by Keri Cole. Tish Stewart seconded. Passed. G. RTP - Motion made to postpone the deployment of the Real-Time pilot in order to bring MELA, CTE, and CTO groups together to discuss logistics, etc. Kimberly Ellis/Vanessa Murphy made motion, Keri Cole seconded. Motion Passed.


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