MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Open Forum A. SmarterProctoring – Approved Items and Proctor Notes (Christa Wilhite) – Instrutors aren’t providing allowed materials in SP. MSVCC Exam List doesn’t pull proctor notes. Google doc documenting problems to provide to them prior to summer training will be created. B. MELA Retreat Update (Buffy Matthews) - June 22nd-24th Hampton Inn and Suites Gulfport 228- 539-0601 MSVCC Block. Bring door prize. Last day to reserve room is June 1st. C. ELC Contact Info (Buffy Matthews) - Update List via Google Doc. D. MS Virtual Interactive Network (Keri Cole)- MPB wants to show us how we can use polycom for dual credit, etc. Virtual Interactive Network…we already have tools available. E. Enrollment Status Updates and Withdrawal Survey (Keri Cole) - Teachers are still not getting status changes. Ive has not worked on that yet per ET wish list. It was not a high priority item. Some of the high priority items still haven’t been completed. Krista will check with Ive and inquire about a time line. Need of statewide data for withdrawal requests. Survey affiliated with ET status change. Student Services survey results are still wrong. Ive thinks it’s been convoluted with old and new survey items and will review further. F. Drop Forms Draft Review (Emily Thomas) - Postponed to May Agenda. G. Senate Bill 2064 (Keri Cole) - Establishing distance education connection K-12. Keri wanted it on our radar.


Important Dates

A. Next Meeting: May 18 th 9am via ZOOM or Collaborate


Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55pm.


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