MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Action Items

A. Dissolve Training Committee – The Admin Committee made the recommendation to dissolve the Training Committee and move their goals to the Quality Committee and disperse the members to other committees. Denise Gillespie seconded the motion. Motion Passed.


Open Forum

A. ET Attendance for Spring and Changes in ET Use for the Future (Christa Wilhite) – Attendance pilot will continue thru Spring and possibly Summer. Will make formal decisions for Fall 2018 once new funding formula is set, and the ET changes are settled upon. Will decide as a group when to formally roll it out. B. Strategic Plan Documents (Kim Harris) – Need the rest of the changes for the strategic plan by November 15 th . Will be an assignment in the MELA Course. (Date pending change based on Action Item vote and committee changes in order to prevent duplication of Shalon’s effort.) C. SmarterProctoring & RegisterBlast Syncing (Kimberly Ellis) – Yesterday’s meeting clarified the concern…It’s not syncing properly still. We should document every time something doesn’t work. We need to be documenting so that it can be seen that it’s a bigger issue than assumed. D. Training Committee (Kim Harris and Tish Stewart) – Committee thinking of dissolving and merging with other committees since the goals are similar. Admin committee is fine with that if the rest of the group is ok with it. It would boost members in groups that need more help. Goals and Objectives would move to the Quality Committee so they still exist. (See Action Items)

E. 2019-2020 Calendar (Kim Harris) – Calendar changes/questions/discussion by December meeting and vote in January for February CAO meeting.


Future Meetings

A. Wednesday, December 13 9:00 AM- Virtual (Tentative)

B. Wednesday, January 10 9:00 AM - Virtual


Adjournment – 10:00am


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