MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017





Northeast MS CC

Kim Harris

President Elect Pearl River CC

Kimberly Ellis

Haley Duck


Meridian Community College

(K.Ellis filled in for this meeting)


Call to order 9:00 AM

II. Approval of November Minutes – Kimberly Ellis made the motion to approve, Phyllis Johnson seconded. Motion Passed.

III. Approval of December Agenda – Christa Wilhite made the motion to approve, Denise Gillespie seconded. Motion Passed.


New Business

A. Dr. Krista LeBrun

1) MSVCC Funding Formula

a. Krista previously sent a summary of the proposed changes to the MSVCC funding formula to the group. The proposal was approved by MACJC and MCCB Board – moving forward with a July 1, 2018 start date. b. Shalon and Krista have been going through the P&P and there are areas from Audit Division and Finance Division that will need to be reviewed. c. Jennifer Leimer addressed attendance in regards to the new funding formula and asked that Raul let the group know exactly what data is needed for the attendance file for audit purposes. Colleges will need to make sure any new processes they may implement due to the formula change are compliant. d. Denise Gillespie asked if the committee/task-force that proposed the changes on the funding formula would be looking at changing the “model” as well. 1. Krista LeBrun stated that Dr. Nettles said the committee would need to continue to evaluate the funding formula, and Dr. Mary Graham from MGCCC will soon take over Dr. Nettles’ role. 2. Deborah Gilbert mentioned that Jason Pugh is on the committee and previously recommended a “market place concept”. EMCC President is the chair of the funding formula committee/task-force.


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