News Scrapbook 1975-1977
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Son Diego, Tuesda , August 3, 1976
HAZELTDW EVENING TRI BUNE Sac, ty Editor Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the University of san Dlego, and Mrs Hughes will be honored at a "Fiesta de Alcala" Aug. 22 celebrating the fifth anniversary of Dr. Hughes's presidency at USD. The party is planned by The Pre 1dent's Club Council and presidents of 11 campus and auxiliary groups. The Rev Msgr. William D. Spain, univerSity trustee, is chairman. The everung will begin with a concelebrated Mass in the Immaculata Roman catholic Church on the campus. This
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will be followed by a social hour on the lawn where The Lawyers' Band will enter- tain. A Spanish buffet, featur- ing paella, will be served at 8 p.m. and Dick Braun's Orchestra wlll play for dancing. Mrs. John Rodee Is chairman of a committee from the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart which will ar- range floral decor for the dinner tables seating 10 Members of The Presi- dent's Club Council arrang- ing the party Include Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, Thomas Barger, Alex De Bakcsy, ' Lee Fruin, Josiah L.
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Neeper, Col. Irving Salomon and Richard Woltman. Presidents and groups assisting are Carlos Chavez of West Covina, Calif. of the Parents Club; Mrs. Kenneth Miller, Alumnae of the Sacred Heart; Ralph Fear, USD Alumni; Mrs. John H. Mazur, USD Auxiliary; Ms. Lynn Schenk, Law School Alumni; Hugh Friedman, Law School Board of visitors; Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn, Nursing School Advisory Board; John Rodee, Alcala Society; Charles LIMandrl, Associated Students; Harold B.. Starkey Jr., Business School Advisory Board, and David Danielson, Student Bar Assn. Dr. Hughes came to USD from Northern Arizona State University at Flagstaff wh re he was provost and dean of the business college.
USD Auxiliary Names j1 /7b • Style Snow Chairman Catherin Barber of La Jolla ha n m d ch - man of th f h on ow and lunch n spo red annually
by the Umv rsily of San Die o Auxiliary, to be held Oct. 11 al VacaUon Villa Hotel Mrs Richard Woltman of La Jolla cochairm n of the event that wtll have "The Candidates" as title and them . d will be placed in th uru ty's fi- nancial a d p m, which a more than 40 lJCr cent of the student body during th academic year.
Cacherine Barber
Dr. Author E. Hughes has been president of the Univer- sity of San Diego for five years now, so the president's Club Council and the Com- mittee of Presidents at the university had a fiesta to celebrate his anniversary. "Fiesta de Alcala," they called it, and it turned out to be a big party (more than 300 guests) that felt like small party. After a concelebrated Mass in the Immaculata, Dr. Hughes' well-wishers moved into the colonnade and onto the lawn between the church and DeSales Hall for cock- tails and dinner and danc- ing. (The Lawyers' Band and Dick Braun's sextet played.) There were speeches and songs and presents, and a Carriage Trade buffet of Spanish splendor. (The pael- la got raves.) A first-rate fiesta. High marks for all who had a hand in it.
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U. D Prcs,denc Au- thor Hughes dances with wife Marge under admiring gaze of Behel Aginsky.
if=iestatJp_ JtJi!(] USD president
The fifth anniversary of the presidency of Dr. Author E. Hughes will be celebrated a t the University of San Diego on Sunday, Aug . 22. A "Fiesta de Alcala " is being planned by a committee of members of the President 's Club Council and 11 presidents of campus and auxiliary groups. USD t rustee Msgr. William D. Spain is chairman. The fes tivities will begin with a con- celebrated Mass in the Immaculata Church at 6 p.m. The west lawn of De Sales Hall will be the setting for cocktails at 7 p.m. Music for the hour will be presented by The Lawyers ' Band. At 8 p .m., dancing to Dick Braun's orchestra will begin , and the " Grande Spanish Buffet" will open , catered by Carriage Trade and featuring paella. Guests will be seated at round tables for 10. The Alumnae of the
Sacred Heart, chaired by Mrs. John Rodee, are arranging floral bouquets for tables. Membe r s of the President's Club Council on the committee are Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, Thomas Barger, Alex DeBakcsy, Lee Fruin, Josiah Neeper, Col. Irving Salomon and Richard Woltman. Presidents and their organizalions serving as committee chairmen are Carlos Chavez of West Covina Parents' Club; Mrs . Kenneth Miller, Sacred Heart Alumnae ; Ralph Fear , USD Alumni; Mrs . John Mazur, USD Auxiliary; Ms . Lynn Schenk, Law &hool Alumni. Also, Hugh Friedman, Law School Board of Visitors; Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn, Nursing &hool Advisory Board;John Rodee, Alcala Society; Charles LiMandri, Associated Students President; Harold B. Starkey Jr., Business School Advisory Board; and David Danielson, Student Bar Association.
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