News Scrapbook 1975-1977
Son Di~o, Monday, Dec.enw 13, 1 V76
t ot
in a moral setting.
llon at a pn \·ate uruversJtv such as L'SD, the students and their parents must face higher ro.'-15 The ta.nff is CODSJderabl} less at ooe of the st.ate uru vel'Sll!es. Hughes esumated the cost for a student carrymg a full load and living on campus for an academic year averages about S4,500. Thal IS broken down mto room and board about Sl ,600, twtJon. t?,400, and the remainder for books recreation clothes and rru.scellaneous. ' A check at San Diego State showed a CalJJorrua resident ltvmg on cam- pus and takmg a comparable class load Muld pay about 12.600 a year. The maJOr dlfference is m the t.Ullloll or fees. Smee State is supported by st.ate funds, the fees for an average stu- dent amount to only $!18.
"A lot of families and students are · mg to make sacrt.11ces for a quality ed ...cauon. On the other hand, we have the responsibility t.o see that the) gfi It, once they enroll here," Hughes said. "We have an mcreasing number of fmancta.l aio packages a\·ailab!e t.o our stuoents In almost all cases. work IS involved. About of the students are -...orklllg either full or pan-ume. They are employed either on or off campus. "Toe fmancta.l aid office MrtJ closely -...1th the studeflts to find jobs for them" recalls that when be moved mtD the president's office ID 1971, coming here from a vice presi- dency at ·ortllem Anzona Universi- ty in Flagstaff, he had some rman- Hughes
-and can relate better 11iey g v. their teach rs. Our average class su.e IS about 20. Compare that to some of the lecture classes m the larger lllSUtutJons. · tudents here get acquainted ""1th e,·eryone m lherr ctasses. not Just the person on either SJde of them." Hughes, the fll"St lay preside t of the Wll\ersity, feels the Calhollc hent.age of t.:SD is another reason enrollment IS high Before he v.-as appointed five years ago. 1t was operated by the Catholic of San D1 o. • t:SD bemg Cathooc encourages parents to nd tht>ir chlldren here," Ile said. " V. e repre nt certam moral ,·aJues ~ore and more par- ents. v. heth r th y are Catha c or not, want therr chlldren to be in- to
"The Lhrrd rt ason IS that our insti- l uon ha a gOOd reput.illon for \nd L'SD's location has to be an asset The buildmgs, dommated by the v. tule-and-blue domed Church of the lmmacula ta, can be seen for es a.round. "We are beautifu!Jv situated, you admit," Hughes said, smiling, pomung toward the WUJdow ewer- I lung the campus · People who 11, e in other parts of the state know about how ideal our rlunate IS And ror too~ v. ho ltve in the . !Jdwest and East. that's all we ha,e to do IS show our ft.lm in the v. r:tt"r, with San Diego s beaches an people surtmg. They flock out But to enJoy the belll.'f1ts of educa- quallt) education." · re...
RIBUNE • Soc,ety Ed,tor
8 I r isn· t llt'Cessarily beUer, es- pet: tall) t.f you·re t.alkmg about the sue of a un.versny tall, graymg presid nt of th Uruverslly or San D1 go, m expl.a.mmg v, hy growmg num of students are enrolling there. g USO over the larger state WU\ el'Slues," Ile said m an llllel'\1 "The first is the SJZe of the instlw- lJon. \li'h
. president of the University of San s will be honored at a "Fiest.i de atlng the fifth anniversary of Dr. USD. The party is planned by The il and presidents of 11 campus and Rev. Msgr. William D. Spain, airman. n with a concelebrated Mass in the tholic Church on the campus. This will be followed by a social hour on the lawn where The Lawyers' Band will enter• lain. A Spanish buffet, featur- ing paella, will be served at 8 p.m. and Dick Braun's Or<'hestra will play for dancing. Mrs. John Rodee Is chairman of a committee from the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart which will ar- range floral decor for the dinn r tables seating 10. Members of The Presi- dent's Club Council arrang- ing the party Include Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, Thomas Barger, Alex De Bakcsy, Lee Fruin, Josiah L. and Richard Woltman. 1stlng are Carlos Chavez of arents Club; Mrs. Kenneth Heart; Ralph Fear, USO , USD Auxiliary; Ms. Lynn ugh Friedman, Law School p Y. Hahn, Nursing School , Alcala Society; Charles ; Harold B.. Starkey Jr. , ard, and David Danielson, m Northern Arizona State he was provost and dean ot
(C LN ,...,.. ............. , " ~e nave a corporatt n program, v. here firms att solicited The bust· rommun1t · ery ppon1'·e ol L'SD An acme alumm assoc1at1on has gro11,n since HughPS amved _!Jere At one t1me ttJPre was a mo predonunant Catholic pre;ence on the \.!SD campus In add1t1on to the Church of I.he Jmmaculata, there was St. Francis Seminary, whi're dmcesan semmanans were tramed for the pnesthood. Toe faculty was largely staffed by pnestS and nuns. That picture has been altered in recent years. The semm.aTY IS 00w located off-campus, but still close. "But there IS no connecuon between it and the uruvel'Slty," Hughes SaJd. "On campus, the semmanans.. are the same as any other students. .. Hughes said hi' IS pleased wtth the ways matters have been gomg_ at t.:SD Enrollm nt is up. Toe um\ er- s1ty now operating m the black. A new hoOI of :--ursmg -...ill be built earl\· next year, Largely 1rom a $1· million grant from the go\'ernment He u; a strong adrncate of the independent um\ ers1t) over the stat.P.-supported mst1tuuon . "Pmate roucauon IS an md1Spen· SJble pan or the Amencan ystem of higher eo:.icauon A pn,ate unt\ersi- tv IS free to expenment. to change tis purpo~. JI!. philosophy, or tts drltven ol proi.'fams at the dt.Scre- uon of its go\'ernmg board." He feels that 15 the strength of t:SD and its private 1r1St1tu- t10ns. n-8-1' •,
Son O,~. , Decemb« 13, 1976 r not necessarily better, ts fin at U of lllJ ,.. p~ ,
"That's where n·is with a schOOl - ha\·tng a fme faculty," he saJd. " If a student feels he or she IS being n pped off, he or she won't be back. ··11te attril!on rate among the stu- dents here at L'SD at one tune was hlzh, about 12%, between fall and spnng semester. Last year, it was ~-n to one-half of 1%. • "This is a reflection totally on our faculty. They work with the stu- dents. That's very important. The facwty spenas a Jot Of tune Wlth them on a human basis." On the financial from, t.:SD has done qmte well. thanks to vanous programs iruuated by Hughes and h1S staff. "We have the President's Club - people who give $100 a year to the university - v.- h1ch IS very loyal,'' Hughes said
c to make a and be f i that (SD was the ·ely to make 1t on its O'NTI, and he was nght." The 1mmed1atP pnonty facing I Hughe to put the UJU\'ers1ty on an e\en keel fmancia:ly He set aoout this proJ?ct with a five-year plan. consisting pnmanly of three oals lh.s atm was to mcrease enroll- mrn , hike th tUIUOO 11>€S. and build up th.. umverstty·s dP\eiopment pro- gram, v.h1C'h funne~~ g1fts from md1- ,·1duals and corporations w ~SD. mo ;t
three areas," y,·ar plan t1ons. • ThP ~tudrnt bod, ha
CONTINU£ D F•O'" • ~
!d (. V II J .. "Thf' unn rrs1t)· hail a senous !1- nanC':al problrm." he said " It was Jl.7 m1ll1on m thP red the ~t of th ,nf1gurat1 n of the two sepa- ra mstttutton on campus. the Col- lt> for . I en and the Coll for \\ omen. into one. "Al.SO, me l atn0LIC ruocese had thdrawn its subSJd:, to the uruver- SII) about eight Pars ago Frankl; . the di · v.a. rot ab'.e to support 11 anym, n• lt had a raf of fmanci.a n· ·pon. tb 1ues. such as supportm: ht"h schools and grade schools. t \.t i U
increased It has been
from 1.~ :Ml iwpa mt>n \1·nly
to J,JiO
pread 0\er the
,anoll5 increase
ha~ bet'n m our roo I or Lav. , but we are tr)mg to hold enrollment p ty con.5tailt It has about 900 students now and we want to hold 1t at that" Toe gradual hlkes in tmllon appar- emh dld not dtSCOurage attendance at CSD. Hughes attnbuted this, in part. to tht> frrst-rate faculty attract• ed w the wmersnv.
Toe makeup of the faculty has changed considerably. In the present racultv of 170. there are only 11 pnests and 14 nuns teactung. and ,___ --------- thev are confined to classes m theol- ogy and philosophy.
USD Auxiliary Names % 1.S /7b . Style Snow Chairman
Mr . Richard Woltman of La Jolla Is cochatrn1an of the event that w1ll hav "Th Candldat " a llUe and theme. Proceeds will be plared In the unlve ty's fi- nancial aid pr am, which lsts more than 40 per cent of the stud nt body during th academic year.
Catherine Buber
Dr. Author E. Hughes has been president of the Univer- sity of San Diego for five years now, so the president's Club Council and the Com- mittee of Presidents at the university had a fiesta to celebrate his anniversary. "Fiesta de Alcala," they called it, and it turned out to be a big party (more than 300 guests) that felt like small party After a concelebrated Mass in the Immaculata, Dr Hughes' well-wishers mo, ed into the colonnade and onto the lawn between the church and DeSales Hall for cock- tails and dinner and danc- ing. (The Lawyers' Band and Dick Braun's sextet played.) There were speeches and songs and presents, and a Carriage Trade buffet of Spanish splendor. (The pael- la got raves.) A first-rate fiesta. High marks for all who had a hand in it.
U. D Prcsidenr Au- thor Hughes dances wJCh wife Marge under admiring gaze of Ethel Aginsky.
Fiesta df!_ Jl!i!fJ USD president
The fifth anniversary of the presidency of Dr. Author E. ·Hughes will be celebra ted a t the University of San Diego on Sunday, Aug. 22. A "Fiesta de Alcala" is being planned by a committee of members of the President's Club Council and 11 presidents of campus and auxiliary groups. USD trustee Msgr. William D. Spain is chairman. The festivities will begin with a con• celebrated Mass in the Immaculata Church at 6 p.m. The west lawn of De Sales Hall will be the setting for cocktails at 7 p.m . Music for the hour will be presented by The Lawyers ' Band. At 8 p.m., dancing to Dick Braun's orchestra will begin, and the " Gr ande Spanish Buffet " will open, catered by Carriage Trade and featuring paella . Guests will be seated at round tables for IO. The Alumnae of the
Sacred Heart, chaired by Mrs. John Rodee, are arrang i ng floral bouquets for tables. Members of the President's Club Council on the committee are Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, Thomas Barger, Alex DeBakcsy, Lee Fruin, Josiah Neeper, Col. Irving Salomon and Richard Woltman. Presidents and their organizations serving as committee chairmen are Carlos Chavez of West Covina Parents' Club; Mrs . Kenneth Miller, Sacred Heart Alumnae ; Ralph Fear, USD Alumni; Mrs. John Mazur, USD Auxiliary; Ms. Lynn Schenk, Law School Alumni. Also, Hugh Friedman, Law School Board of Visitors; Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn, Nursing School Advisory Board;John Rodee, Alcala Society; Charles LiMandri, Associated Students President; Harold B. Starkey Jr., Business School Advisory Board; and David Danielson, Student Bar Association.
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