News Scrapbook 1975-1977


USD Tips Azt

, 7-63

Beforehand, Brovell1 was nvinced his club would win If it broke e,en with the Aztecs m rebounding from he front line '\\ e are better at guard,"

___ nued from Page D-1)


USD pomt



Thi time Eddie ~ego stea~ and fed Ely for

f Cole, Davi

On Cue

unbeat n Tor ros (5-0)

to ed

. . lavm which made 11 38-35 j their firth wm agam t nine stopped a Zlf.?-mmute Torero l~sses m the transM1. s10n pomt drought and sent the \ alley sene . host .,.,,ngmg The lo pu hed San ,Diego During the ne;i,."l two min-


he said

By BILL Ct,. TEil Staff Wrltff, Tfle San Dtno Unton halk up on the Lillie Guy \\Ith guard and Hon Col coring 37 pomt lx't.,.,e n them and dommalmg the ba court plays, th Umvcrsity of an D1 go upended cro town rival San DI go Stat , 67-63, la 'I n,ght before a frenzied, tandmg:room-only turnout of 2,300 m the Torero gym "Probably, ' a d USD h ad oarh Jim Bro elh, "th1 wa our b1gg st \\in " H wa talk n m t nns or ev r, or al I a for hi three year In l<'ala Park - en- joying his first tnurnph over the Aztecs and po . ibly h IS la t, mce San Diego Slatr. has been cont mpla mg ean- cellng the After last night, th Aztecs couldn't be bl med. " SD played an xcell nt m ,' d an D1 go late h ad coach Tim \ I hav nolhmg but pra for the way they p rfonn d "So much or this game 1s emot1nnal and th v had It all olng for them ·They won the game on emotion " And on the tal n or th 6- root-4 <'ol and 5- runn111g- mate Davis ol who followed former \ztec uard Ray Leary uth from Portland with the origmal mtentlon or gomg to San D o State hit nm or 14 hot from th noor, pulled dowr lght rebounds and f1m h d .,.,1th 20 point. . Davis, following a 27-pomt effort agam t the Aztec la t y ar, scored 17 points and had JO a t ts - on coming on an mr.red1ble between- the-leg pa m the first half. And they .,., re at their best lat m the gamr after the Aztecs' best -mcluding Will Connelly-had rallied to 52-51 on con cut1ve baskets by rre hman Percy Gilbert. Between th m, Cole and Davis scored the next IO (Conllnu d OD D-2, Col. 4)

State to l-4 USO d1dn t break even up "Th ) deserved tbe win margm to 46-37 and could front bul Davis, COie and · · th ·Y ~hould wm 20 ," said have had more. t;SD's reserves outscored \ ezie \\ start d wilh a l~t LSD lost one ba ket on a the Aztec backcourt 41-16, of n w faces and we didn t charging foul against COie and cha d the Aztecs into 21 lay, 11 ell a a group · · · we that could have gone the turnover d1d11 t the en re game oth r wa, for a three-point hey took advantag of i_t play and Brian Frishman "We're Just a better The \ZIPCS opened \\Ith a blocked two layins -1t could team,' said Cole, who ex- artlng five veragmg only have easily been SD 54, plained how he wound up at I points Pf.• game and Diego state 37 \\1th 13 t SD when he was at one I.: D 1mr1ed1 tely made it ; 1~ute to O time headed for Montezuma appar nt that the mak~rt Instead, the Aztecs,behtnd tesa umt ,,asn t gong to save the Connell)' claY.ed back "I just didn't like the Azt I b hf h again poking to Y.ithln one as Aztec program, it wasn't for Do\\11 ear y ) t ee. t e G lbcrt followed his long me. Torero ran a 10-2 Davi - , th a third slam "They are disorgamzed.' 1rmted blitz midway tllrough ,umpPr Wl th half to take th lead. The dUIIK with · 54 to go. advantage chang d hand an Diego had one chance twice m th half's clo mg to take the lead, but Davis mmutes before Cole put t;SD ol the ball from Mike utes the wmnPr upped the

LV, I'll SCHENK ... San Diego lawyer

DOROTHYHA~ILL ... ice-skating champ

Rosalynn Wins Poll As ~Most Watchable'

up 32 31, on a high arched Dodd and raced three-quar- 20-rooter from the baseline ters or the rourt for a layin with four second to go. with 5.01 to go San Diego The Aztecs, \\~o had con- State \\as ne\'er closer than

- Teenager Mariel Hemingway, sometime actress and younger sister of model Margaux Hemingway - Skater, Olympic gold mcdallst and now professional Dorothy Ham- ill - Golfer Sandra Palmer, the La- dies Profes lonai Golfers Associa- tion's fiflh-le.ading money winner in 1976 with $88,417. - Newscaster Jane Pauley, who replaced Barbara Walters as co-host of NBC-TV's "Today" show • - Athlete Nellie Kim, Olympics gymnast. _ - Attorney Lynn Schenk of San Diego, recently appointed a White House fellow. The Girl Watchers list includes three performers from show busi- ness, three athletes, one television personality, one attorney, and the two figures related to politics.

Two figures related to politics head the sixth annual list of th "10 .Most Watchable Women or the World," released yesterday- by the International Society of Girl V.atch- ers, Inc., of San Diego. Frrst Lady to-be Rosalynn Carter was chosen "most watchable" over- all and also topped the "most watch- able wife" category, while Mrs. Rob- ert Dole, wife of the Republican vice presidential candidate, was judged "most watchable mother." The poll of the more "than 27,000 members claimed by society fotmd er-president Joseph A. Beagin iden tified most-watchables in 10 cat.e or ies. tegoncal superlatives included: - Singer, rock and country star Linda Ronstadt. - Actress television's Lindsay Wagner, star of "Bionic Woman."

troll d the tempo through the fmal five m. nutes or the first half came out runnmg after Intermission, but the mi takes hampered their comeback effort rn mg his hip was S111k- ng \CZ! 11enl to his bench or Connelly with 17: 11 to go. Conn lly was to ha,e sat this one out with an ankle prain. "\\ 111 \\ant d lo play, and ·e need d him " Vezie said. Connelly appearance did Y.Ond rs for the rest or the team second am dunk by Ubert O\rr 6-10 USO center ary Ely brought the Aztecs to WJthin a pomt at 36-35, but 1lbert m d a free throw for the thl'Cl'-pomt play - nd the tie Y.hich San Diego tate would n \er ach1eve. Joel Kramer quickly made two steal on rrant Cole passe · and pulled down an equal number or rebounds, but the Aztecs couldn't take advantag of th 1tuation and came up with nothing during a 90-second stretch where the hosts crossed mid- court only once. Enter Davis and Cole, • • *

The La Jolla Opera Guild begins Its fourth annual bridf, marathon. "Bndge Everyone," on Jan. 14 at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. Se ions will continue on the second and fourth Fridays of the month until March 28. Mrs. George E. Read JS chairman of the fund-raising proiect to pro,ide season tickets for music students at UCSD. The tournament is open to the public and infonna- tion is available from Mrs. Read. Mr and Mrs. John T. Schall entertained on New Year's Eve for members of her bridge club and husbands. The group has been getting together for these parties for 10 years and as usual, there was dinner, entertainment (the men tried out the Schalls' new pool table) and at nudnight, Guy Lombardo's musical 11elcome to the new year on television. The guests were ~1rs. Lois Fleming and the Messrs. and Mmes. James F. .Mulvaney, Tod Ghio, Donald Hartman, Farmin Hessel, Eliot Pierce, James Smathers, Russell Brower and Charles W. Melville Jr. Mr. and Mrs. l\1!1vaney, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mr. and :'>lrs. Smathers then joined :\fr and Mrs. Richard Blackington for another traditional party - a tennis \\eekend at Ensenada. Top winners in this fourth annual comest were Ruth u1 vaney and Eliot Pierce and the low prize \\enl to the Blackingtons. Rosemary Pierce capped this busy weekend of activity by taking a group or fellow Globe Guilders to Los Angeles yesterday to play extras in a film written and directed by John Gassavetes. The production stars the director's wife, Gena Rowlands, who was a roommate of jr~ ierce at tt,e University of Wisconsin Dr. aid '.trs. Carlton Williams celebrated tneir wedding anmversary at the New Year's Eve dinner dance at the Cm\ers1ty Club. They were in a group which met at the home of frs Lawrence Kuerb1s for cocktails before the club party. Others were retired Rear Adm. and Mrs. Roger w. Pame, retired Rear Adm. and Mrs. C. A. Karaberis, Dr. and '.1rs. J. Frederick Conrad and the Messrs. and Mmes. R larv Jackson. Hie Thompson and Charles Provence. Re rvalions have been closed for the University or San Diego Auxiliary's luncheon honoring new members Thurs- day at the Universit · Club. 1rs. Serio Anton and Mrs. Jame R Davis are cochairmen of the event , !embers of the rtfedical Faculty Wives of the UCSD Medical Center Auxiliary planning a second annual Gour- met Cookmg Senes met yesterday at the home or :\frs Wilham G. Cass to fonnulate plans. The senes will feature Helen McCully, food editor of House Beautiful, and Jacques Pepm, a chef for the late Gen. Charles De Gaulle of France Mrs. John II. Moxley III is chainnan of tqe classes to be given on April 19 and 20. Assisting are the , Imes. Wilham G. Cass, William K. Tisdale, W. Virgil BroY.11, Donald A. Wolochow, John C McCall Jr, Kenneth Unruh, Charles E. Spooner Jr., Charles Jablecki, Jack C. Sipe and Fred Frye. Training of volunteers to staff the inforrr.ation desk of the San Diego Natural History Museum will be given in three sessions, beginning next Tuesday at the museum. Other sessions .,.,,ll be given Jan. 18 and 25 from 9:30 to 1L30 a.m. The covey, auxiliary to the museum, is in charge of the pr t and plans to begrn staffing the desk on uesdays, Saturoay and Sundays m February Persons sted in partw1patmg may contact the proiect c an, Mrs. Harry frs. John A Bmm.


Immigration Law, Practice ' ational Conference Slated SAN DIEGO - David F.

Barg,1mmg to Avoid Adm1m~ trallve Con cquence . Michael McCabe, deputy federal de- fender, n Diego. Arrest and Post-Arre t Con. 1derations. Aus- tm T Fragomen. J r., partner Fried. Fra .omen & Del Rey: Attorney·, ;'liew York ; Obta ining Recommendations Aga inst De- portation 10 Cnmma l Proceed- ing Edwin R. Rubm . partner, Wa . serman. Orlow. Bmsberg & Rubin . Attorneys. Ph1ladelphia ; Post-Convica tion Relief. Peter A. Schey, directo r, National Cen- ter for the Study of Ahen Rights ; adJunct professor l' D. Appeal- mg a Deportation Dec1S1on Gordon G Dale, partne r, Gould' 8. Dale, Attorney. , an ta Ana ; De termmat,on of Entrv Con- siderations, Con 1derations. , 'eil Baxley, attorney. an Diego . Ex- clusion Considerations , Grounds, Procedure and Relief, Admmis- trahve Judge Robert Barrett U.S Immigration & Natural: izat1on Dept , San Diego, De- portation Considerations Ad- ministrative Judge John' Wil- liam , U. Immigration & atu- rall::.;;.t,.; pt., S n D~ u

Aberson , practicing attorn y m Los Ang les. will participa te in a two day national confe rence on Immigration Law and Practice to be held on February 4 ands at the RQyal IM at the Wharf, San Diego. Th conference, entitled " In D fen . e of the Ahen," is co- spon ored by the University of an Di go Law In. titute, the San Diego County Bar Assn . and Frontera . It i the first of what th pon oring groups intend to be an annual event. Donald T. Weckstein , dean of USO chool of Law, will deliver ~e openmg remarks on Friday, February 4 The luncheon peaker on Fn- day I Mauri ce Roberts editor " Interpreter Releases," 'a week: ly up-dating publication to immi- gration lawyer nationally. Rob- erts was formerly a m mber of the Immigration and atural- ization Court of Appeals, Wash- ington . Op ning remark on Satur- day, February 5 will be delivered by Judge Edward Schwartz chi r judge, U.S. District Court' San Diego For information and reg1. tralion, call USO Con- f r nee Center 1 (714 ) 2916480, ext. 221 The purpo. e ot thi con- ferenre 1s to provide practical information to practicing law- yers on how b(>: t to represent alien accu,ed of crimes and who may f, re d portat1on as a r suit of convictwn . P c1fically, I gal techniqu of prown effe ct1vene , will be d1. cu.. d by nation I and r - g1on I authorities ren cting re- cent ·t tutory and decisional law and proc dure in ahen prob- lem. Included m topic of dt. cus- 1on re Pr -Arre t Proce- <'edural Con. 1derat1onspr s nted by harle • Pv1ll , chief s1 • tnnt publu~ def ndrr, tate of <'11hforma ; 01 rnvt•ry Tactics D,1v1d F, Ab r on, practicing at'. torn y, Lo Angeles ; Ple

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