News Scrapbook 1975-1977

'Visiting' Toreros 1-1 1 Top Bears, 79-69 The homecoming for for three games. The next USD's basketball team was time the Toreros are home bnef, but succe, ·ful. will be Feb. 5. Playing in the confines of "We needed this one," their own gym !or the first Brovelli said. "Not only to time In nearly a month stop the losing streak, but roach Jim Brovelli's Toreros because they're a Division I la t mght snapped a five- team and every win over game lo Ing treak by down- D1vis1on I teams helps mg orthernColorado, 79-69. toward making the Th home court advan- playoffs." tagP, which USO last had on USD was m control most Dec. 23 , camt> m handy last of the way last mght, but the mght but will be short lived. Bears made tbmgs interest- On Saturday the Toreros mg The Bears came back tak' on UC Irvm and next from a nine-po nt USO lead \tonday they fly to Hav. ii to draw even late in the first

Sunday, January 23, 19n Heart Fund Drive Officials Named President Pat Moore of

/- ~;?-17




pTorero turn 0-- ~-for home game . J

JAYCEE AWARD Chamber Aide Grissom 'Top Young Citizen'

the San Diego County Heart 1 Association said Rear Adm. H. G. Stoecklein, USN, ret., and Mike Bollman, an attor- ney, will again be cocharr- men of the Heart Fund drive. Moore said Katy Ryan, 5, will be Heart Princess a sec- ond year. The two men were Heart Fund chairmen first 111 11175, when Katy underwent suc- cessful open-heart surgery to correct a narrowing in her pulmonary artery All three live in the San Carlos area. Moore said that MarJorie Hughes will be 1977 Heart Sunday Chairwoman Her husband. Author, is presi- dent of USO.

The nation's youngest major Chamber of Com- m rce manager, Lee Gris- som, 34, last night was named 0utstandmg Young C1t11.e11 of San Diego by the San Diego Jaycees. Grissom was honored by Lew VanDeMark, the Jay- cees communicat10ns direc- tor, at a banquet in the South Cove Room at Vacation Vil- lage Hotel VanDeMark cited Gris- som's work as executive 1,1ce president and general manager of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce. He said Judges certified Gris- som from 20 semifinallsts in the contest directed by Bruce lonyama. ACHIEVE~E, 'TS SOTED Grissom, who studied pub- lic admmistratlon and then received a master's degree in city planning at San Diego State t.: mvers1ty Jomed the Chamber of Commerce as a planner four years ago and became manager m 1974. This is the fourth vear he Y. s nominated in the 0ut- standmg Young Citizen pro- gram He was credited with Y.ork In which 501 new chamber members were added last year, estabhsbment of a mo ·on picture and telev1- on bureau. and gammg the nation's only chamber invi- tation to have San Diego repm;ented n a trade dele- gation to th People s Re- public of China OTHER OMI. EES Semifinalists included GI nn H Asakawa, 31, a garden center vice presi- dent; Gerald Baker, 33, of the San Diego Convention and \ 1sltors Bureau, Jim Bates, 35 Fourth District Supervisor; George Cbamberlm, 31. aide to state Sen John Stull; Lawrence Davenport, 32, president of the SDCC Educational Cul- tural Complex; Jim Estra- da, 35, CPO public communi- <'at1on director. Ted Gian- noulas, the KGB bi ken Linda GoldZJmer, 35, a city

half, and after the Torero pulled away by 14 early in the second half Northern Colorado tnmmed it to three at 67-64 Substitute forward Wil- liam Stewart tipped in a miSS('d free throw for USO, however, and a pair of dunk shots by Buzz Harnett in the final two mmutes pulled tt:e Torero out of danger Harnett scored 18 points to lead tSD m scoring and guard Ron Cole and Eddie Davis mbined for 'J:I. There reaUy is no place like home. N Color- ('9) USO (7') McGill (I) <"of• (ll) 1-i«n«:k•,. 13) Oovls (J.C) Monloomerv ( ,o, Ely (21 Gronl (SJ Harnett 1181 Ullnff 1201 Mlchfomore (9) N COlo

. .. named chairwoman

She 1s a gradual.(• in educa- tion from Eastern Illinms Fine Arts Society and the La University, is a member of Jolla Museum or Contempo- the USD Auxiliary, the rary Art and bas the papal \ omen's Committee of the des1gnallon or Lady or the San Diego Symphony the Holy SPpulcbre.


I..,~~ ..-11 Brovelli's

community services d1v1s10n chief; Roger Hedgecock, 30, Third District supervisor Others were Tom Hmton 25, UCSD aSLSJStant to the Hee president. Ken Kamber, 33, an msurance account executive; Tom (ShotgunJ Kelly, 27, a radio personality; Billy Lasley, 35, a zoo endocrinologist; Doug- las :\fanchester. 34, a finance executive; Gary Plantz, 33, a UCSD .\ledical Center a d ; Lt. mdr Bruce Val- ley, 32, of North Island Naval Air Station; , ·ancy alley, 29, a magaz1ne edi- tor; Elizabeth \'enrick, 35. a Scripps 1nstitut1on of Oceanography researcher, and James 1 art1 z, 34, publlc affairs director for K0G0. Judges were Author Hughes, UCSD president. Terry Knoepp, t; S attor- ney, and Rita McCoy, The \\omen's Bank president. Wade Stone, Ja)cees pres- ident, introduced the ban- quet speaker, Bob Ioretti, California Commis ioner of Energy Resource , Conser- vation and D I pment. :\toretti y, as Assembly speaker when he was a Dem- ocratic Assembly member from Van uys

blue and in Hawaii, too EVENING TIIIIIUNE 01,patdt HONOLULU - The sky ~a blue . . the sea was blue .. and so was Univer- sity of San Diego basketball coach Jim Brovelli as the Toreros arrived here today for a three-game swing through the islands. "We've been looking for- ward to this trip for a long time.'' he said, "and now that we're here, it's about the last place In the world I'd like to be. "When you're trying to turn things around, whPn you need to win some games. the last place yo_u want to find yourself 1s Hawaii. Visiting teams don't usually win many over here." They don't, either, but the Toreros will be trying to forget that fact this week. Tomorrow night, they will tackle a good Chamlnade College team that has won 10 of Its 15 games. The San Diegans will then face the University of Ha- wail Friday night and Sa~- urday night in the auditori- um downtown. "It's not going to be easy but we've just got to draw the line and get ourselves going again," Brovelli said. "We're too good a team to be struggling like we've been struggling." After the best start in the school's history - USD won its first eight games - it has been all downhill for the Toreros. Saturday they dropped a 65-57 decision to UC-Irvine, meaning they have now lost six of thrtr last seven con- tests. USO held a IO-point lead - at 42-32 - with 15 min- utes to play But the ~1siting San Diegans could hit only seven of their last 27 shots so they lost again. Ron Cole led the Toreros with 16 points but Buzz Har- nett was the club's only other twin-figure scorer. Harnett had 10. FIGHT RESULTS

'Jaycees name fowl nominee

erything from a preSJd n- tlal hug to police handcuffs to the loss of one of Its two head to a , ew York Times reporter It was enough to land the bird on a list of 18 young an Dlegans. all or them human beings, who have been nomina led for the award Ten fmal!sts and the ulti- mate winner \\ill be named at a dinner Friday night where the gue t speaker will be Bob :'.lorettl, state commlssionf'r or energy resource •conservation and development Other than the • 1rd, the semlfmahsts are Glenn H. Asakawa 31, Gerald Baker, 33 Jim Bate • 35, George Chamber- lin, 31, Lawrence Daven- port, 32, Jim Estrada, 35, Llnda Goldnmer, 35, Lee Grissom, 34, Roger Hedgecock, 30. Also, Tom Hinton. 25, Ken Kambar, 33, ''Shotgun" Tom Kelly, '27, Billy Lasley, 35, Douglas ),Janchester, 34, Gary Plantz, 33, Bruce Val- ley, 32, Nancy Valley, 29, and Elizabeth Ven 3:i.


USO (79) Cook (171 Strode 18) EIY W Harnett (26!



Fur9(1do M.. It d Sliva Adams . :.".'.'.1'~,4 14) 14) (6) (6)

~~'5'1emore 11_41 Cham node . :I> 37- n Otherucor r,g-USD· Erke 6, G t>b2, Honr 2 Cl>oml~ Folokoo 4 Ono a, Colalt lO. F-ouled out-Elv, Honz. To 01 fouls--USD 21. Cham·-15. ,.. .... ...

Grant to benefit nursing program

The University of re- ceived a grant for ex- San Diego has

pans ion the school's bacculaure- ate nursing education program. A new pro- gram in Imperial County will also be developed. Over $350,000, to be used for a three-year eriod, was given to the school by the Kel- logg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michi- of

Funds will be used to develop new ap- proach es to com. m unity nursing ser- vices, and to research the role of the nurse as an educator and practitioner, A learning resource center will be estab- lished at the universi-


Philip Hahn

School of Nursing . The grant also pro- three faculty members will live in Imperial Coun- ty and conduct an educational program similar to the nursing program at the uni- versity. vides that

USD faces St. Mary's at home

The award and dinner will take place In the South Co1,e Room of Vacation Vil- lage Hotel, begmnmg at 6 p.m

LUS ANGELtS-C.or1os Palomino, U6'.-: Westmlns1er, Collf., stOPPCd Mondo Muniz, 147, Monu~rev Park, Coif. 15 and retained h s World Box- ing C.01.11•c Iw,uerwelght title

rrso ~begi rl 7 $ registrations for Spring semester at the University of San Diego will be tomorrow, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Serra Hall, and Jan. 31 to Feb. 3, 6 to 7 p.m. in the Registrar's Office, Room 111, Founders Hall. Underclassmen will register tomorrow only. Seniors register from 9 to 10 a .m.; juniors, 10 to 11 a.m.; sophomores, 11 to 12:30 p.m.; and fresh- men, 12:~ to 2 p.m. Registration


The deadline for submitting applications for Miss Son Diego is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2. The pageant will be held at 7 p.m. Morch 6, at th~ ~ate Del Rey ~oro •~• Balboa Pork. The Miss Son Diego Pageant is the official preliminary to the Miss Co~\- fornia and Miss America pageants. Women between the ages of 17 and 26 (who w• I be high school graduates by Sept. 1) ore eligible to enter. Entry form_s may be_ ob- tained by phoning Lou Elkins at 277-3560. Terry Ketchum (above), Miss Son Diego City and County 1976, and Jomes Heyden go over musical selection~ for the pageant.

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