News Scrapbook 1975-1977
i~t i5an 1Jlitgo }Inion SAN DrtGO, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH I, 1977
Kathryn, Bing Crosby _ In Tune For 20 Years
•·. • =•»:•:•:•:•,:,;.:,; :-:-::•:•: • ,;,:;:::-.s.x..·.·...•• ...• .. :. ..-. :-. -... .-.-:.:-. ___,_. _ aseball Coaches Build Teams-Parks, Too I PAGE C-1 Construction Port Of The Game --------.:-,; f 1 By BILL <'I· ",T~:Il • nance base lucky haven't been as fh admln trator's worklng definlt on .••. f ~:: ... ·· ::.·,:.;;; ·,:,w,,:':'"' -···-,_••. :-·-·;;,;:·•·---:-._._._. _-______ .•.•.. w_
She is 5 feet 4and wears a size 6 dress. She is a ::uty, with auburn-blonde hair, hazel eyes and a b8e· st ~~ ~ifurr;i,~ning the Rodeo Queen title, ,she entered the Miss Texas contest and lost. "I couldn I beheve 1t · I'd been soooo dramatic, reading somethmg because bo n .. about a mother's letter to her un rn so . At one or the conte~ts she had met Art Rush, agent ror Ro Rogers. "He said, ·would you like to _go to Holl,Y wJd•' and mv uncle said, 'Why or course ~he would. I had been living with my aunt and uncle m Robstown beeause the schoolhouse in my hometown kept burning down r think wr had an arsomst. .. 8 · t I decided to go to the Universlly of_ Texas at Ausll~ and study theater First thing they said was for t Study diction. get rid or my Texas accent. I said, me o. t'>"' 'Whuddaya min, mah Taxus accen . Two ears later she called Rush and said she was ready t~ come to lfollywood. She amved on a Monday' was testrd on Wedm•sday, .nd on Friday signed a contract with Paramount. . d She had always want,•d to study nursmg,}nd she (?un time between pictures, wh_ich she made m clumps, shP. said, two and three ,n rapid succr.ss1on, to stud~ 1 0 "Whc·n !ling asked me to marry him_ I said, Can g ·th my picturt- career• can I go on studymg on w1 •· and he said ·or course.' He hasn't be(>n so nursmg. • · , helples.s sinCT'_" - Sh 22 be They went to Las VPgas to be married_ ( e was • · . 52 ) .. !ling and my aunt sat In the rront seat, I sat In ~!" ba~k Th<•n when we wPrr takmg out the license_. a r!Pr. rccogniwd us and said, 'You two getting :~u'd?' and Bing said, 'Yes, this artm1oon m Yarrmg• ton •The rc•porter rushf'd out, we walked down the street to St Annp's ror the ceremony, and f suppose the rP~rtrr SpE'.nt the artPrnoon trying to find Yarrl?gton 1 never did know Ir was such a place or not. (C'ontlnut'd on IJ-2, fol. 5)
By JEANNETI'E BRAMN Stoff Writer, The San DINO Union
There was a year when Kathryn Grant and Bing • Crosby didn't speak. Toal was before they were mamed, and it was because they weren't getting _mamed_ t "! was 19 when J met Bing," she sa1_d_ :·w~ dated a r year and it was getting nowhere. Bmg d1dn I want to get c married; he just wanted to be good friends and go out to din:ner. I told him I'd been out to dmner . "Even my aunt, who came to Hollywood with me from 0 Texas told me ii would never happen. So, for a year, not a word. Then he wrote me a sweet letter_ He said he wanted to marry me, any time, any place. ·ct , ood "He and my aunt planned ii. When we sa1 g ' 1 rooming' the day we were married it was a~ut the hrst ' thing we'd said to each other In over a year_ Kathryn came to San Diego for the start yeslPrday of the Kathryn Crosby Honda Civic Golf Classic at "'.hlsper'. Ing Palms Country Club at Rancho Santa Fe. Con_tesls ,1 begm today among members of the Ladies Professional i Golf Association and continue through Sunday_ , _ .. There will be a fashion show, "Embroidery In Ac lion, al the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club at a 12: 30 luncheon tcday. "And I get to sing"' said Kathryn. "I love to smg "My super sister, who became a model m New York before I ever went 10 Hollywood, has brought thP fashions from New York and both or us wm model. H~r sister IS Frances Ruth ~eyers, and Kathryn says she JS th•· real beauty or the ramity. h Beauty contests started Kathryn on hrr way from er hometown In Columbia, Tex., she said. "Jctrst ronti•st I won was . ~liss Splash Day Princess' when I was 3 yea~s old. 1 think I won because r was thP chubbiest and d1dn t fall off the stage_ "Then I won a bunch of others, includmg Rodeo Queen or the Houston Fat Stock Show and Expos1t1on. But you know what name stuck_ ~iss Fat Stork· , The word "fat" didn't apply to her then and doesn t
of a ba ball fl ld $t>CffiS lo be, "Level fleJd wllh frnccd barkstop_ grass optional, 'Ith r farllJUes unnrce, arv Thus ba_ ball coaches· have taken It upon thcmselv to build their own lacilr• t • and th Ir program_ ~'rom thf' gr und up Th are bU: y dedicated nii n You can ltnd llll' .. ham.'!lertng at 7 a m , remeoting at noo nd fertlllzJng at Z 15 pm Class- room brea are spent watenng, lunch hour ruk :ng. "V r tho m I part, i,e'vr had to do tho Mrk u: ·Iv , " -y Dietz. ".'I/on!' of this wa rwr bud •rt d. If we dldn'' do 1L it i, i; dr• t get door " • At l IJ, c·unnJngham, who doesn't chan e o on h1 car, ha tumed a canyon !Oto $600.000 far JUI) m four yean.
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- Staff Photo by
John C'uoolnghallJ refurbished a canJon_
Dietz tart d out 1>1th morr at Smith Field, but ,n th of fhe yrars has addC'd Lghts l"PbUJII thP. playmg urface built a grand, tand and Is workJng on a clubhollS('. f In«: ng fe~clng and landscaping among his specialties, I and has Ito hed a manlrured playing surfac,, overlook- Ing t,1e Pacific Mickelsen. once n carpenter's apprmttce, has spent a decade bullding th Griffms· field rrom a 1<1nd-blown i,asteland to a beautiful brick-and-block park \nd dom1 I So thwestem, Jerry Bartow is Just gettmg started lie has comp! led the mandatory first steps of covermg t Infield m crushed brick, bulldlng two batllng cag and c 1 eantng up the outfield ·~xt goal· bleachers Sine < urnlngt:am tarted with the least i, e'U '1 a rP\ <"' JJf !hr roe pr.: ects at usr :JUi n ~ts f t d ad,. ol coaching l D basc')a)J, Cunnln ha , team play n e gilt d1ff t e fleld.s Home i, th \an we ..sed he ootes Th n m 1972 a cons ruct on firm lookuig for landflll to hi.lid up the Sh uld r for What IS ~ow 11:e Ingraham-Sea Wurld Cr mtercnange sirs k up an agreement to removP the dirt Crom.a canyon brlongmg to liSD, cutllng a pad for a baseball f1 Id at the hole's base "I'm not handy," says Cunningham "'I've nevet built anything be!ol"t' Rut I knew that If the program dtdn't do lt, i, wouldn't get n park 'We've taken the canyon from a ':Joie to one of the nicest
parks n the area." CunnJn~am and assortsd helpers put in the park w1thout any fman~ia. help from USO. Some or the funds were donated. When Kerry Dineen signed a professional contract with the Yankees, he gave $2,500 of hts bonus money to fmance a backstop and fencing do1<11 the sidelmes. ·we begged. borrowed and stole," Jokes Cunrungham_ Owing the major league baseball stril sra11 Ptioto bv c1ncr, • lkkrlson changed "Grllnn llell_" Not'I Kathryn Crosby wort· a "sporry'' uniform yesterday For chc scare of chc golf tournament wlmh lx-:irs her name Ac lefc, she ta/ h with Mtmd Marsh Hahn, widow of Philip Y Hahn who endowed che Hahn S,:hool of Nursing ac USD. Crosby, a rcgi,cercd nun,, agreed to sponsor chc tourn;imcnt be- cause ic bendics chc school. Above, Crosby wt:ars a di! Ferenc uniform. ........ ~--~··· ... ·-•-u.Tu---~.'.:_:_:_,l_:~., •, ••• ,•,o,;..,-; •,:.·,.----,··=-l sco1:ebo:atd to r or h latr" It wollld lY' t 1 or t ctrlc f Uf\ oil I 1 I/ y, r I ,;;;('ALL-AMERICAN SOUTHPAW HURLER "' 1/~~·· Toreros' Flanagan Continues Hill Wizardry w lltre \_ q. a career at USO which IS ln the early pz.rt of Its third season_ It ha~ resulted ln gaining status as an All- American - an honor earned last year - and cu_r• rently it has resulted m Flanagan carryuig an 0.45 earned run average for 20 lnmn;;s of i, ork th!s season. As yet JI hasn't resulted ln anv great deal of acclaim commg Flanagan s way 'No big deal was mad of 1t;- says Flanagan or th . · America hOnor "So the only people wno k:now are my teammates, a few close lrl nds arJ1 mv family 1 tiaven'• felt a11y a d d pres- sure because of It. Even though rot red sl!glltly by a Shoulder In- jured last sum7er Flana- gan has Uved up to l' e arc EXPERT POINTS TQ_Q_THER CULTURES ~ Saying ~No' ,. ·Saying_"No' Childrt 1 7 To Children D l) mil t'1 Jr children" B, JEASNEITE BRA'-1'- Xow • 'n '1' \H (Continued from - 1 se, of Th , does r. t mean 1mpos- ;,.., wme,_ '"' ,.. o-u.,.. \h np1st, a\ ~ut stvle, the swmg-t>ra st~~~,,rt c~ild mr ,iltt•rc ,Ls or h ldn n, Too many parents are ~gn ° 1 w a · \\ e're gtvmg a c at the •ssly • d the psycholor1. \\ hr n silent, bel,evmg they sho- Id f h Id be s next Hiday at 8 Pm expect •hat 2 parrn1 recognizes what a k('('p quirt about thcll' va~ueJ tn ~;ic~ ~~ildrcu c~- H:!:;~~ }3~~u:::d ~\ttend . uirc- d ;/:;t~/fo::UJ"~~r;~~:~: ~e;~r~~nchi;~J"t;:in 15 1 \ th f\ n : ~~'. 1.~ 1 ! a .. At borne we hav~; ~:a1~: ell 2 unrg p ;s1bte to ew,ourage mistake ;.-1th sad ~onsc- ~ef';~~re han i,e e, I~ 1a7;z a;:d 10 ,e 1t, t ur ~t _hat the;;~'[~a~~~\~'[! quences. s,: d Dr \U_ am l !Ice og Id :-.ancy' who s tc, '~ or r Coulson or La ,Jol'a, a psy c~'A limt k ow even 10-year-o hone mul'h l' 1s 1 d1suplme chologist and r, ychothera- th<' b~·bl plays a sousap who has v.1ng :Sharin1• adult c•1lturrs_ at - 1 r II' In bigger than she is, t over •nts he ( ul or hume has meant pL~oulson surprised many ~f~ 1 ! /~~ 1 ff~st I to ha,e some<;:1;c~~\ 1movc , •v~r L~terestm~ th;, ~hildre~ 111 pa~ft~~~';;! hs~~J~~.~I:; erage psychrl~gita . I he.~!~~ ;~e;~urs to m~ t~;,~ d,~;' 1 ::-;id, ~u:~~d 1 ~~~so1~ m~ ;; siy •:,; 0 • to Your Chtl· ~,r., ';,~~~e~ ha\ S) lt!e 1s like a .iaz\;:;1nrovise. th~ .rll playmg Jaa rr;us1c dren" at tbe Salomon l.l'c tiu~n or brmg brattv something ~out fo/any one I" f, r mone) m th, Sl'W~th tire Hati of the Umv"crst(y or t~ Y hav bee~ ni There's no s~;~~w Coopera- 1,;m _odr and l(stt1lbl dot~ s · " · b I t person to O • ake ,.. a DH'go Jazz u , " w ·,~r th, ory, rot Y tr lion is necessary to er- 1u1d ong, has. a 'H1g Forties' · e 1>as a gu C" turer Coul~n 5;: 1 d music, a nd s.~r~ to (Continued on D-3, Col. 3) • 11 ,, ac~demic- a!flllatJo~ for a auon ts what sh ne;E'- • JO) "S :as be:"n 1<1th ,he ___ -..MW Hie toget c·r ulls Cash Bonus edgecock ~~--io-11 o Motivate l.ounty Workers 1 DEAD, 1 HURT IN CLIFF FALLS i,ord baths 31,; days a week 1 want to L;ter to real pl'Ople t n Saturdays " we trted to flf\. 22 proba 110 1 off c rs, ' Hedgecock d. "They didn I ,;how up ro work Tllen they v.ent th r doctors and i;~t ex- l" and told us we couldn't ltre them <\nd we went lo the book, and I found) we c utdn 't I m up in arms abou. that " Hedgecock acknow eged th p obatlon emp• 'yes "ave me real grl vanres tn t rms ~r t~e dewirtment's budget aocl mut1vat1onal pro !ems. "I d like lo get to h11,, nollvation, t g~ morale W do t have that now " About future or solar en rgy, he satd, I think the be I thing come ~ut of peoptr's garag . People are m ntlng all the tune It will take pnvate industry to take r technology and put t illlo someth1 g people can artord on •-· basls. ' ~, enswn faculty at t•rso. • The •Roots pheromet. n' MS mrlurnC'!'d JS h r In thJS country, to look at other cultures, ' be sai~ ·In other cultures, parents talk, ch1I- dn'n lisle "llut m tile mrd,rn Amer- !can psychotherapy oriented culturt', parents are sup- posed to listen to children, and wlien ,ou thmk about 1 , that's a little nutty " As recently as 10 years ago, hf' said, parents thought 11 was wrong to say "no" to 1'1eir children. 'Parents w re raising children under th, mltuence of'~e dea that c-hudren are m<'~nt to be free to make the r own choices, and tllat 1s not right "Parents have to be able to live v.1th the choices the children make. We have lo train them to be able to Il\•p with us, and we havl" to adapt to ltvmg with them. "So the first !lung to do, when children are very small, very young, 1s to make very clear a set of houS<' rules based on the values or the parents." Children, when young, snould have no voice in those eouse rnles because they don't have experience, don-t know what the world and life are all about, said the psy cholog1st. "What chtldren have to say is interesting, but what parents have to say is not only interesting but neces- sary," he said. ' 1 1n the most successful !amiltes, children get a head start on lire by gettmg values from their parents." Coulson and his wife. Jean, are the parr.nLs of seven c•hitdren, four of whom are st~I at home. "So I have had a lot or practice in say- Ing 'no' to children, ·he said. "You have to, ir you want them to get orr to a good start, to keep them from harm "ChildrC'n should not be k~pt under wraps, or under tight control, but they should know that if they do not live up to ramily standards, they arr deprl\ing us, d1sappomt• rng us • and hurtmg us badly." Coulson believes that "one or the craziesl'things going on today" is parent effec• liveness training. "Parents are trained to act as a child's therapist, to listen, to say 'Hmmm.' Not to say 'That's good. That's bad.' - IOff Pt,oto bv Don Tld'lonchutc A, -Amert~an Dan Flanagan is off to anotller fast start this season as mainstay of Tll"C'ro staff. J record on a tear.. that won 26 to Ire consists or games_ The 6-1, 19!>-po :n~ pitches, a fastball, a forkball three lies on when needing an out tn crucial situations. The only run he has al• and a "quick" curve which Junior lef'.hand r dqe,; 1t w fmesse_ he describes as "not a great ,owed this season came · I ~.on ·1 overpow:,r curve, but decen• .. »e's when he ballced m _a runner anyone Flanagan says, I used them effectively from thiru aner yielding a Just try and keep the ball low enough to strike out 17 so fa, _ I tned to be a k, out th JS season. Itch It was the first time I'd pitcher in high sch l, b t If ~~r:1lp'kfghast ~J:.., he <;een the squeeze play since ou concentrrte • ore on r a ' l"ve been m college, and m ~e•ting them to hit the ball won 11 gam;\~/na~~tln~/J; 0 the midd,e of my windup ,n the ground the guys bt- seas 1 ons,thc f~rtball much stepped off the r~.bber~ r nd you stay m the game mp 0 ~ shma.~ ,;eason al Flanagan recalls. If I d ir. •e Jnd you wind up u!W W,S fre lt about qave ;ust pitched out, we'd throi,,ng fewer pitches in an ~S~rN~:t~r~"t~:-e and ha,·~ probably got the guy L mng. nsld f$ It the pitch hl re, ~ut Fl 1agan's basic reper- co e • F!allll . . " m ev Ask vour employes, 11 law tude•• urg d t~em w"a, i,ould USD ASK m, I I Jnk tt te Lhem j not be mtln y " i, kl:dof1tcr cock sa1~ "IG rood me witll I Jw ed!O W'i/l,am a..d /=, C'ol''"",- an,! fam,- /v Franc row i,.,,I' rhe left, ;r: T?m, this season is to wm a game m the collegiate world series, an event he reels th~t the Torero team (now 9-a) can be a party to. "It has taken a little time but once we get everyone together, this team can be very •.ough,'" he says. •-we w " hot~ ends of a double- heact, r last weeke,d, the first time thts year we ba\· t plit. and frill m,~Y gtv us some o. entum ,nd je, r B,,k re w, from left Menn J'Jam .. 1, D.1n (:,a,,£ Jflcl bill.
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