News Scrapbook 1975-1977
• . -KATHRYN, BING CROSBY In Tune For 20 Years 1 t pf Ssr DiRflP
~4t ian l!litgo Inion SAN IJ1tGO, CAllJORNIA, TUESDAY MORNING MA , RCH I, 1977
"And then it's so much fun to Mlp to be with women I admire, I not l~y because all thOse dedicated women s~h:mstered ~urse but golfers, and that super sister be .,. se I'm Roman of mmr Did I tell you that th'.'..J PJXTl?ll Yha An_d
1tlnued from Page D-1) ey've been married 20 s now, hav' three chil· 1 and three homes m m
09th Y(AR
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iborough; Rane. .as C th lie and so Is Bing. ces m Baja calilornia, ;:::. 3.:::.:0.::..._______ GuadalaJara, Mexico. hryo has written an en- .aimng bOOk, • mg and ter Things. tight now she deeply ni about her husband o I n frQm the stagP at ba !)or Auditorium sadet1;1 three weeks
she's gomg to Jet me sm ·
o. "There's no paralysis d no fract11res," she said. le can move hlS legs and et but I think the sciatic •r{es are mvoI,,:d, because s just too pall\UJI for him walk "I'd been on 5tage with m Just a few minutes be- ,re while he ng ·In a tttle Span h Town ' I rnt do-.. n to tl!f' dressing m and was putung some n curls in my Ir when I ard that great sp from te audience "I knew I w it was lng.'' They had been "panlcl\ed" week dunng rrhearsals, said, bl•cause the center ,ge was a loading platform t IUOVL' ltofl Phot &w C ncty LUIWo:e • llckel! NOt"I .• ··-······.....,,,, »' // I 1 Toreros' Flanagan Continues Hill Wizardry o w oflll a career at USD which IS in the early part of Jts thlrd season. It has resulted m gatnlng status as an AIJ- Ame rlcan - an honor earned last vear - and cur- rently JI lias resulted in Flanagan carrytng an 0.45 earned run average for 20 Innini;s of work th1S se.ison. As )el, II hasn't resulted in any great deal of acclaim coming Flanagan's ... ay 'No big deal was made f it," says Flanagan of theM- Al!lerica honor ·•So tht> only people who know are my teammates, a few close friends an1 my famlly I haven't felt any addocl pres- sure because or it.' Eve though bothered slightly by a shoulder Ill· Jured last summer Flana- gan has lived up to th aeco- ladP tbus far. He's given up only 10 hits and one earned run m 120 innijlgs of work, rerorded a seven-!nmng ,shutout in his last start, and "ent the first six Innings of a nme-mntng shutout earlier lhLS season A few more USD hits at the right times, and Flana• gan s wm total wou'.d be higher _than the ~t tw he has posted w1·hout defeat e IJ('c(Jmlng habitual with Flanag;in He won 11 in a row last season, and wound up With a 13-2 record on a team that won 2 games. The 6-1 Fast starts EXPERT POl1'i1S TO OTHER CULTURES - aying (No' To Yo r Childr 3~ 1 7 . ow I kn w, 11 wr wh:lt I nt or ff'bellious child. But 1" a pale one of the biggC.'>t abuses of 'lerc5531)' a child is to lea,e that child II r ildr n B) JEAS. "ETTE BR\ ·1 . stott w""'· T"- ... o,... u.,,. th rap do but m s doc not m, a~ mpos- interests on c~ ldren, pa•ent recognizes what a Jld's nnc1pal lntt•rrst is, ,•nt hould do evny- t so tt1at the child may learn ktll or craft that in it&•ll Si'anng adult cultun•s at 11 I th,, psyLilolog1. "\lh1·11 i:, 1s a.__ .,line. 1 Too many parents are ver or o ,.'ha.. silPnt, believing thr•y should m • keep quiet about their values . LIi~ houla . alone to drift, annl,·ssl) lL,llltn ChiidrPn must krow that find mwh1rh children can Inlient certam thmgs an• reqmrrd ~, the r par nts rour s, not rlrrt1ws. IS a t 1e lullne so -their children c their own, and that ni1stake with sad conse- quenc!'S, said Dr \\ illlam Coulson of La Jolla, a psv chologlSl and ps)chothera ram n1:. l'e said We kn w f lot more than wee, "Some parents will tell a • •n ' posstbl,· lo e1wourage an child. 'How you arc IS your own responsJbility ·Thz''8 to d be awfully lonely, I think • C-0ulson suggPsts draw ng I ell. edgec ck ulls Cash Bonus '!> -- ?-o --11 An f"al know h w t plsl ra1 ti r n~ Coulson surpnsed many would the parents' the Coulson home has meant parents when he lectured re- be! rP I wo Id tr. ,l tte av- ~pherc of interest whatcvPr ,nte l'Stlng lhe children m centlv on the subJect "How erag psy h logical "eor) that may be 'Perhaps it's Ja music "Jazz is my to Say ' ',o' to Your Chu- One, . on that pS)cholo- •)ng or farming or f'il1- 'd," said Coulson "I dren" lhe Salomon tee- gist chiloren ha\r a repu- zrn s band radio or Pven the rterJ playing iazz music tnre Ila of the umve'rsm· of tatwn for bcmg brattv 1s that day•b)•day business wo1 Id, · f\ r money in the srvrnth Sa tP -0n e ,, . they ha,e l!Pen •a!. d by he S3ld "Why depnve th, m gradr and I still do. Thf' San thf'< rv not by n t ' of a subJect that we know a Di,.go Jazz Club to which. I e was a guest lecturer r u sor d •'flf' not lot about• Parents shc;.:Jd ong, ha• a ·Big Forties' Ills Jcademic aflillallon for " ' a disobed pass along their cullu~c lo ( ontlnued on D-3, Col. 3) • l thPlr , tincts children mto To Motivate l-ounty 1 DEAD, 1 HURT IN CLIFF FALLS Ore l llor was ed and onoth r wa lnJLred arly y , rday wh n they ' 11 from a cllff at l~e e'l(I of Lomalan Drive I" fo1.,t :..O a Found drod t the scene orkers word baths 3½ days a week I wan~ lo listen to real people talk o Saturdays \I e tried to fire 22 proba- tl n ol!lcers. ' Hedgecock id They dldn l show up for "'ork. Then thev went to th r doctors and· got ex- and told us we couldn't fire thPm And we went to the book and (found) we L'Ouldn t I m up m arms about that.' Hedgecock acknowleged th probation employes bave me real grte,vances " t rms or the d rtment's bt,d et a d m vallonal p !ems "I'd like to get d 1 t tlgh motivation, high morale We don t have that now." About the future of solar energy, he saJd, "I tlunk the be t thin~ come out or peoplf,'s garag People are tnv ~t ng nil the time It "ill e pr!Vate mdustry to take I - technology and put 1t Into something people can all rd on a ma ba ls." • •1 ) e1rs bas bee!' \\1th t~e Extension laC'ulty at l l'SD ' The ·Roots phenomenon has Influenced u here, m this country, to look at other cultures, h said. "In other cultures. parents talk, chil- ' dren listen "But in the modern Amer- ican psychotherapy-oriented culturP. parents arc sup- posed to listen to children. and when you thmk about 11, that's a little nuttv" As recently as 10 years ago, he said, parents thought ii was wrong to say "no" to their rh1ldren. "Parents were raising children under the influence of the idea that children are mPant to be free to make tbeir own choices. and that IS not ng_ht "Parents have to bP able to h~c with the choices the r chilgren make. We have to tram thPm to be able to live with us. and we have 10 adapt to !Jvmg with them. "So the first tiling to do, when children are very small, very young , is to make very clear a set of house rules based on the values of the parents. " Children, when young, should have no voice in those house rules because they don't have experience, don't know what the world and life are all about, said the psy- chologist. "What children have to say is interesting, but what parents have to say is not only mteresling but neces- sary," he said. ''In the most successful families, children get _a head start on life by gellmg values from their parents." Coulson and his wife Jean. are the parents oi seven _children, four of whom are still at home. "So I have had a lot of practice in say- mg 'no' lo children," he said. 'You have to, ii you want them to get ofl to a good start to keep them from harm. Thlldren sl1ould not be kept under wraps, or under tight control, but they should know that if they do not live up to family standards, they are depri~ing us, disappoint- ing us, • and hurting us badly." Coulson believes that "one of the craziest ·things going on today" is parent effec- tiveness training. "Parents are trained to act as a child's therapist, to listen, to say 'Hmmm.' Not to say 'That's good. That's bad.' -. $foll PhOto by 0on Tlehonchuk All-American Dan Flanagan IS off to another fast start this season as mainstay of Torero staff. about 4.10 am was Wallace II Ughtcap 21. of the nus- • e frlgat Gray Edwin chm1d1 19 alSo Mng on th Groy I m sail factory m• t n aval Hospital Dlgopoc dth t\\ 0 f II durin D part) held toe edg of the c!Jff tud nt urged ' A k t. m what would mo \ ate th m. I think 1t would not m n y It wa the kind of mtrr- c an Hedg co d he wa 10,:·-noot,>rl 'I listen to caucr • flood me with m ncy A k your employ , 11 USD law 195-pound to1re consists of three lies on when needmg an out Junior lefthander dQeS It with p!lches, a fastball, a forkball in crucial situations. finesse and a "quick" curve which " I ·don't overprwer he describe as "not a great lowed The onlv run he has al- this season came anyone," Flanagan says, "I curve Justtryandkeeptheballlow used but decent.' He's whee he balked in a runner them effectively lrom third after yielding a • and get the ground ball outs enough to strike out 17 so far . I tned to be a strikeout :.h1s :;eason. triple . . pitcher In high school but tr Primarily a lai.tball pitch- "It was the fU'Sl time I'd )OU the squee1.e play smce getting them to hit the ball won II games in his flnal two I ve ~n m college,. and in on tlJe !,'fOUOd the guys be- seasons, Flanagan dldn the m1dd,e of my wmdup I hind y~u stav in the game employ the forkball much S}epped off the rubber," rrore and you wind up until his freshman S('JSOn at Flanagan recalls. "If I'd L"rowing fewer pitches in an USD. Now he throws 1t about have Just pitched out, we'd mnlng." 35 per cent of the t.. e, and havP probably got the guy Flana)?an s basic reper- considers it the p1trh he re-,C: 0 ;'.l' concentrate more on er at Hilltop High, wh('J'(' he ~J....-.,._:"'..,."':'"":""~- t IS season JS to win a game 1n the collegiate world series, an event he feels that the Torero team (now 9-5) can be a party to. "It has taken a little time, but once we get everyone together. this team can be very tough," he says. ··we won both ends of a double- header last weekend, the first time this year we haven't split, and that may give us some momentum." - Slafl Photo \\7,Jliam and [C'3n Coo/son and fam, iv Franc l'O\l', £,om che left 3f'C' Tom, 2nd:}C'3n Ra, k row, from left Monie Nanq Dan. G...,"" .zriu' I,"
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