News Scrapbook 1975-1977
A.THRYN, BING CROSBY ·une For 20 Years . . pf Sar Ole o
"And then it's so much fun to h~lp to be with women I admire, cause all those dedicatf'd women but golfers, and that sup<>r sister
th~,! myepi'\Y
:And T m happ~
, rhll· the school.not
•s· In I'm a register l 'm Roman of mine. Did I tell you t~~t , Las also because B' she's gomg to Jet me smg Ga v::t:::h::::ol::.:ic:..:a:::.n~d-so_is_1_ng,;..._ __~- .:::,:::.:::______
rn1 o a,_ xtco. an en- P and ~ply 1sband 1ge at ~nm weeks ralysis e ;;.1d gs and sc1allc ecausc or him e with es oo- 'ln a I' H I es ing B some when I p from it was
aseball Coaches Build Tearns-Parks, Too
Construction Part Of The Game
By BILL CE iTER 1 ft Wrltff, TM San Dleoo UnJon
mlnre, ba ebaU coach s haven't been as lucky The admln trator's working d finition of a ba ball field ms to be, "Level field with fenced backstop, grass optional, other facilltl s unnecessary. ' Thu baseball coaches have taken it upon themselves to build their. own facili- t1es . and th ir program. From the ground up Th are busy, dedicated nfen You can fmd then, hammertng at 7 a m , cementing at noon nd f rtllizmg at 2: 15 p.m. Class- room break:; are Jl('nt y,aterlng, lunch hour "I/or the mo t part, y,e'\e had to do the work' Ive ," says Dietz. "None or this wa e\er budge rd If we didn't do It, it woul !! 't g t don " . At U D Cunningham, wlto doesn't change oil on h1 car, ha! turned a canyon Into a 00 000 fa ilil) In four j ears.
John Cunningham refurbl bed a cao)OD.
parks 1n the area. '
DI tz start d out Y.ith more at mtlh Field, but In !h pan e f1v ) ar. has add d lights rebuilt thP playing urrac . built a grandstand and I working on a clubhouse Fmd1 g fencmg and landscaping a!"ong his spec1ailles, Land has fmlshed a mamcmd playing surface overlook- Ing the Pacific. . Mickel n, onre a rarpenter·s apprentice, has spent a decade buildmg the Griffms' field from a wmd-blown wast land to a beautiful brick-and-block park . . . And down al Southwestern, Jerry Bartow is Just gettmg tarted He has completed the mandatory fir it steps_ or covenng the tnfield in crushed brick, building two batting cage and cteanlng up the outfield 1 • ext goal: bleachers sinc Cunmrgham started with thP least we'll start a m 1 •w pf th local projects at t.:SD Dunr. hlS ftr t decatl of coarh ng U D basebal Cunningham•~ tearr. play on :ght d f rent me fields 'H me was th ,an we u~ 'he notes Th n m 1972 a construct10n firm !'lOklng for landfill to build up the shoulder for what is now the Ingraham-Sea world Dr. interchange ~truck up an agreement lo removr th dirt from.a canyon bt'tongmg to USD, cutting a pad for "I'm not handy," says Cunrungham "I've never ?uilt anythrng bt'fore But I knew that If the program didn I do "We've takeri the canyon from a hole to one of the mcest a ba ball field at the hole's ba;;e. . 1t, w wouldn't get a park
cunmngham and assortsd helpers put In wtthou• any financial he1p from USD . Som of the fund~ were donated Wher. Kerry Dmeen signed a professional contract with the Yankees, he gave $2 500 of 1us bonus money to finance a backstop and fencing down the sidelines. . "We bt'gged, borrowed and stole," jokes C'unmngham. During the maJor league baseball strike last year, thP Padres worked out on their own at USD. Later the club said thankS with an old section or 126 permanent box scats and 89lJ aluminum back-rested bleacher seats. . ow In its fourth year on 1ts own field, l D fmally has at:; for It fans. All Cunningham dirl the first yf'ar was plant gras: rut out •. n iriield, seed. th( backgroi:-id bar and play. Th ne ·t S('ason h added batting cag , the backstop and fencmg and dugouts. '.ast year an e'Pctnca1 !Oreboard went up. this lear the bleachers and green backdrop nettmg for th fences TI'e future Includes a r ta,mng wall Through it all, Cunmngha_m the unhandyman ha~ done the welding, cementing, bncklaymg and fence building •aturally he :.s proud of his masterpiece ' "We started with nothmg, It took us 10 years JUst to get the park
-Staff PhOIO bY C ndY Lulll • (Continue •" •• ::. :.-•: ·• Z".. • ·•" •" n changed "Grlfflnstlck." f['CJ. -~ ·•·• • "·• .. .. • •-' ••,••"•. a •• •• • · •"" • .-.,.~..-· I s Hill Wizardry gan Continu a career at USD wht It 1s m the early part of Its thlri: season. It has resulted In gaining status as an All- American - an honor earned last year - and cur- By HA KWE CH l!Clff Writ r, Tile POINTS TO OTHER CUL1'URES ~----- 3 r Children 1 7 aying (No' To Y rently 1t has resulted m Flanagan carrying an 0.45 earned run average for 20 innings of work this season As yet. 11 hasn't re ulted in any great deal of acclaim ccnmg Flanagan's -ay "No big deal was mad of 1t, says Flanagan of thE America honor. "So th only people who k"Jlow are my tPammates, a frw clos fncnds ar.1 my famlly I hav n t !ell any added pres- berau e of It " Even thoJgh bothered slightly by a shou.:ler m- ,.rred last summer, f lana- gan has lived up to the acco- laae thus far He's given up only 10 hits and one earned n:, in 120 tnnmg~ of \\Ork recorded a seven mmng ,shutout in his last start, and went th first six innings of a nine-inning shutout earlier th1 season. A fev. more USO hits at the right times. and Flana- gan's win total would be higher _than the current two he has posted without defeat i. nt or rebel11ous child "But thetr r, Haren" IS !\ow I Jrnov. \ery wPII what \hr ap1Sts do but 1 n Tt.1s does not m an impos- a pale ont' of the btggrst abuses of l's nccc ary a rhild is to leave that chiltl e ver. 10n of " ,·h!ldrl'n, interests on 1).> ainh ssly said thl' osyrhologi. t "When that d parer recognm.':i what a to dr ft alone ,r m life 1 al1on C'hildrrn mJ:--l know L1f P should bt a ,td princ pal mtrrcst 1s. he parPnt should do eVf'ry- so that the child may learn 11: or c~art that in itc;ctr t 1lct en can inhen: certam th.ngs are n.qu.rf'd c I Id of their parent, _rou SLS, not el 0 cuvr~. ir. Y.I tch thf' ullnP LLB6-L 'Some parPnts will tl'1l a •t .!lg po. sibll• lo eneourage arn.:1g, he atd. · W k 'l szs·scv ••" eiues o 4 )Uel:l 'e· ·r can child, 'How you an is your own respons1bilit) ·Tr.wt's to to bP awfully lonely, I think ' Coulson suggests drawing nd I wd g-we 01 'Mpm•e l ____________ . tell o ' '\mmals know a 1 01sc· pline raise thei. r before I w:mld trust the av- N eragE pSjL Jlogic theory bab1 s \\OU :l u~• their ..nstl 1cts children .nto thP parents' tltr Coulson homr has meant ph~re of mtcre I, wliatl•ver mterestmg the chlldrr>n in that may be. "Puhaps it's J zz music. "Jazz 1s my 1_One r1.;ason t1at p )'C''lolo- sailing or farming or e1l1- held, ' said Coulson '·I ,. gist ' c'llldrcn haVf: a repu• zen s band radio or evrn 'he tarter. playing jazz mi.sir f tat1on ror bemg br. tty Is tha' day-by-day businPss world,' for money in the sPvenlh : they I ve l>e"'l rat d by he !xlid "\\ hy deprive them grade and I still do. The San • theory not by '1 • net. ' of a subject that wr know a Diego .Jazz Club, to which. I C u:,on ad r doi> not lot about? Parents should belong, has a 'Big Forlles' r ad\Ocat at> .... o. a di obed· pass alorg thrir culture to (Continued on D-3, Col. 3) • Sharing adult cu,turrs al To " rd baths 3½ days a week I want to listen to real people ta · on aturdays.' \ e trted to f1re 22 proba- t.Jn officers,· Hedgecock said "The didn't shoy, up for work. '!'hen they went to th 1r doctors and g t ex- cu sand told us w rouldn'l fir them And we went to the book, and (found) v.e L'Oi..ldn't I'm ID In arms about that " 1 DEAD, 1 HURT IN CLIFF FALLS "~ j .. - ss·vv 8~-8 •; A/I.BU \Oft )1001 8LH \n~ ey1 JOJ euo · ey1 101 euo ' i8 ·e1ey 1e< - Stoff Photo bv Dan Tld'IOnchuk All-American Dan Flanagan is off to another fast start this season as mainstay of Tc.!'ero staff. Fast starts are bt'coming habitual with Flanagan He won 11 m a row last season and wound up with a 13-2 record on a team that won 26 games The 6-1, 195-pound t?lre consists or t~ree lies on when nePding an out junior lefthander docs it ,vitli pitches, a fastball, a forkball in crucial sttuatlons. fmesse. and a "quick" curvr wh1ch Th only run he has al- . I don't overpower he descnbt's as "not a great ~ny,ed this season came anyone," Flanagan says. "I curve, but decent " He's when he_ balked in a runner Just try and keep the ball low used them effectively from third after y1eldmg a and get the ground bal outs. enough to strike out I7so far t . 1 I · . th1s season. np e tned to bt' a Strikeout Pri ril f ll . h "It was the f1rst time I'd pitcher in high school, but If ma y a _astba_ p1tc . seen the squeeze play since you concentrate more on er at Hilltop High, "here he , . ttl t h I h·t th ball won 11 games rn his final two I ve ~n m college,. and in ge ng "em o 1 e , the m1dd,e of mv wmdup I on the ground the guys be- seasons, Flanagan dldn t d ff h . ,. h.nd st th employ the forkball much steppe o t rubber, yo day m f ~ame illltil his freshman season at Flanagan recalls. "If I'd ~ore an, you t n . up USD Now he throws It about l!ave Just pitched out, we'd row•~? p1 c cs man 35 pe.r cent of the time and havo probablv got the guv mmng. . . Llt" • · Flanagan's basic reper- considers It the pitch he re- ~~tl_!!nn;n;,;.._,a~~~~~"" • thlS season is to win a game in the collegiate world • Monl(.1 Jnd Jean. Bad, row, from lc:fr. Nwq, D,r, Gau Jrd Hill W'ill1am andJean Coulron Jnd fam1 fr. Front row. from chr: lr:fc, arc:· 1om, series, an event he feels that the Torero team (now 9-5) can be a party lo.
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