News Scrapbook 1975-1977

Unrvers ty of Sal" Dmgo presents MIKE lc)I 71 BLOUMFIELDQ)w

plus ROSIE & THE SCREAMERS Friday, April 22, 8 00 pm USD Camino The ter Tickets available at USD, SDSU, UCSD General Admission $3.50 Students $2.50

- Slall Photo by ! on, Oo..bek 5 HONORED BY CONFERENCE OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS , Honored at , 'attonal Conf rence of Christians Phillips, Mayor Wilson Gordon C l~uce, Dr ~t ~11 and Jews dinner ,,.,ere, left, Rev. Theodore Author E. Hughes, Dr. Gerald Kobermck t.t /


*Crusaae COIITIIIUEO FROM PAGE A-21 money, as mvestors, by takmg an active role In how that wealth we own is m- t.

Women' Crusade Leaders Call For Economic Actio 8 ,. DIA. ·E CLARK

Women Will Kick Off On $ Crusade The Women' Cru,-ade a Common s n e Economy is plannin an educational eminar ~pril _ 19 to kick o(f it local membership drive. The national group wa formed by prominent busin swomen who decided women should take a stand on key c onomic i ues. · In an Diego, Helen K. Copley, chairman and chief ex utive ollicer of the Copley Pre , is leading the er de. Mrs. Copley donated ad pac for a cru ade . poll t~ st 'ov mber A coupon asking for m· ,crested women achieved about 700 re pons ' according to ·ara. Finn. chairwoman of the April 19 seminar at USI. The group set a goal ol $1.7 million for the first year. but so far about 3.'3,000 has been collected. ctivities planned include a national peaker bureau. an economic survey. economic conference for women_ ~nd a king for support from poht1cal leaders. A panel of bu ine instructors from USD's School of Bu iness _Ad- ministration will attend the April 19 luncheon ession at the school to answer que-;tions. Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y. . will lw the luncheon speaker. The crusade calls itsell no~- partisan and apolitical and ts depending on women who manage th~ hou ehold for its greatest upport according to Ms. Finn. for

t1al power. And along with that power comes responsi- billty We can no longer sit back and bemoan the state of the economy. We have the power to changi> it If

vested and by agam PX· erC'lsmg our dollar vote in the choice of whPrP it's in- ve ti>d and In how the com- 1t Is invested in usei; !t, and as citlz ns, by vot- pan

Seminar arrang d at USD for women


~ng by becoming actively we choose not to exercise involved m lobbying and by that pcwer, we an• abdicat- runnmg for office. mg our rcspons1bihty. "Women have the poten- 'Now is the tune for us, . as md1viduals and a group, to male ourselves heard." And that's what the crusade is about, according to its national chairman,

desire of a few leading women executives almost two years ago. They wanted to see government spending teyp.pere d lh a

Slaff Writer, The Son Dit110 Union

WI Local homemakers and busineSS'homen little common sense, and felt that women, gathered here yesterday to add their SUP- who make up 51 per cent of the Amencan port to a gro\\ ing national grass-roots population, might bring pr ure to bear. movem nt that had its start m California The first gathering was a public meetlng _ tpe Women's Crusade for a Common of crusade followers in Los Ang~les last Sense Economy. fall· the second was in Palm Spnngs last •·o 1· IS to mobilize one million ' ur a m . weekend. thoughtful women to help revtse 3: nd A fourth session is plann d to gather 700 strengthen the Americ~n enterpns,e crusaders at the Biltmore Hotel in Los system," announced national Wo~en s Angeles June 7 to wnte Iette to govern- Crusade chairv.oman Hamet M Wieder, ment oflicials about their c ncerns. . who stepped down Monday as mayor or ·•women can play a \-ital role m the Huntington Beac~ but remains a member encouragement of a ne\\ sense of C?n· of the City Council there. . sciousness and new eco~omlc orgamzation "Did you know that Congrl'SS votes out 01 the future," said -CSD professor Fred programs that invol\e ou~~ys of more Bahr, one of the panelist-;. , . than $4 billion per day? she asked. He said the economy, be movtng And in its unrestra!ned de ire to more awav from little businesses to large! do so much for so many, its _borrowmg "~ corporations which can operate more em- soon total another 1 b1ll1on per da,, cienUv. Wieder said With this change, managers will have to She said ~he federal government budge! become good jugglers in order to meet the has gone "mto the red 111. 16 of the last 11 needs of production as well as am, to years, and Congress has put more a nd social and political concerns. \\omen, \\ho more restricting regulatory controls on ~ust accomplish a variety_ of tasks today, private busmess. _ are good jugglers, Bahr said. . "Our country and its economy face USO professor Ellen Cook explamed serious challenges today . • words alon~ that women have multiple roles they can will not do the U1ck. Action by the Am~n- lay in the economy: As employes, as can people themselves 1s needed to b~mg ~onsumers, as investors "ho own (but do this public entiment to bear on \\ ashmg- not currently control) iO per cent of the ton, D.C , on Sacramento, on the San wealth and as voting citizen Diego an~ Huntington Beaches of the .. No~ is the time for us~? prepare and to nation," Wieder said. act in each ol thPse roles, Cook urged Her talk followed a :allying by She said, however, that women must Rep. Jack Kemp, R- .'ii ., who said, I Jom educate themselves mt . a ills and with you and annou } aarl Y wi~ must rot be cont nt w th being good at you and I forward to bemg of servtce m • Ir obs b t b good and bf> v1s1ble the futur .~~- bout 1t \\ 11 ed to red emp Dr Ro·=n==o=~·. another P said dieted the increase of m n Jn th labor •Government ho d _be th referee. force because rising costs and_ mflat1on Today the government 1s no longer the will necessitate a second family mcome .. impartial observer. Today the gov~rnment .. 1 think there was a lot of enthusiasm, is on the other side of the scrimmage said Sara Finn, chairwoman of yester· line," said Kemp, a former Charger quart· day's session. "There were representa· erback. Today we're trymg combat tives here from all neighborhoods in the our own excessive bureaucracy. San Diego area, all age groups and all In addition to the speeches of Kemp a nd economic backgrounds." . Wieder, varying views of the economy Finn worked closely with Hel~n K. ~op- were given by a panel of _pro~essors from ley, chairman and chief executive officer the Universit~ ?f San Diego s School of of The Copley Press, Inc. Copley, along Business Adm1mstrat1on. . with Wieder, is one of the seven founders The educational Women's Crusade semi- of the movement. nar at the Town and Country Hotel, atte nd . d d •esterday Among those who atte~~rfal Beach yesterday, marked the third meet~ ~f wa~hWill:h::n~;;e:~ld daughter had the Women's Crusade for a Common nse ~o erher a ticket to the luncheon as a Economy. . given The crusade grew into reahty from the birthday present. ed by about 200 women and a few men

Harrwt Wieder, city coun- cilman and former mayor of llunlington 81.ach S_he said that the crusade, which she refers to as a movement rather than an organization, has attracted thousands of women since its start in NovPmbrr She said that the massive size of government and gov- ernment spending cause people to feel immobilizPd - unable to effect changr But she expressed hope that the erusade will help to al- leviate that feeling of help- le sne:;s. "It i ·n't necessary to be a learned economist to see that what's going on in gov- ernment - at the local regional, state and federai levels - is no way to run anything. We're facing a , serious challenge. S1xtPen of the past 17 years, the federal government has gone into the red . And I throughout all those years of deficit spending, govern- ment has consistently im- posed more controls, has consistently made it more difficult for businesses and ind1v1duals to produce more to feed that government's ravenous appetite We need chang('. And words won't do the tnck. We need action."

4 {J


Kemp Says Income Tax Cut Gaining 51 By DO I.D H. II RKI OS Slaff Writer, The San oi.eo Unloft

Besides the personal mcor corporate income taxes by : $50,000 to $100,000 the exe1 businesses. The bill "generally speaki personal and business incorr productive sector of the econ "President Carter said he , reduction on the premise tha the country - in other word~ money to finance programs ti that we could balance the but believes) it would be fiscally at a time when we're already But "I want to make the poi rates across the board we're g, investment in productive ente the tax ba . lower Taxes, More Rev« "I'm saymg if you reduce increase in tax revenues .. guarantee there was that bu reduction to create jobs, Ken they will lose money. To pocke up with inflation at the rate <


directors of the newly incor- 1 porated Crosley Group of in- dependent distributors. Two day-long seminars are planned this week at the San Diego Hilton by San Diego State University. Ac- counting professor Robert A. Meler will conduct a pro- gram entitled "Fina~cial Accounting for Non-Fman- cial Executives" beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday. Robert L. Benjamin, speech communication pro- fessor and Lynn H. Peters, management professor, will be leaders of the seminar entitled "First Line Supervi- sors" that will begin at 9 a.m. Friday. Frank D. Nielsen, former

Jack Kemp . . peaks today

(Continued 01

Kemp Support Tax Cut

Kearny Ace Set To Attend USD Bob Bartholome\\, an All- County ba ketball player out of Kearn;, High, yesterday earned out an Intention ex- pre d nearly a week earli- er and announced he would attend -CSD next fall Th 6-6, 210-pound Bart!Jo. lomew averaged 20 points and 13 rebounds per game last year In sparking Kearny to the semifinals of the coun- ty playoffs and to an eventu- al third-place fm h.

Three professors from the Univernty ?f 1 San Diego's School of Business Adrrumstrarion discussed che nac1on s economy and che role women can play duang a mcecing of che Women's Crusade for a Common Sense Econom~ here yesterday. They are, from left, Dr.

· the Bank . of r.: J. FILICIO'ITO America's South Oceanside 1 obr executive branch, has been appointed an assistant vice president Westgate's Rivi- and credit administrator at the bank's San Diego-East- manager of



Robert O'.i\leil, Ellen Cook and Dr. Fred Bahr.


l SJ'tY Ul Jatr

The Planning Executives Institute will conduct a : workshop on current trends in strategic planning from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday in the Atlantis Restaurant. e Women's Crusade for a common Sense Econom will hold a seminar and luncheon beginning at 10

:,,pea11. ou fhe Interrurti~~~ Trade Data Bank" at noon Wednesday in the University Club's varsity Room dunng the meeting of the World Trade Association of San Diego. Attorney Josiah L. Neeper will discuss the legal aspects . of business communication

t,.----r--- MOSk, holder of an honor• ary law degree from USD, Is the author of the t'Ourt's Bakke v Board of Regents opmlon which derlared mi- nority adm1. 10n standards on t:niverslty of California campuses unconstitutional.

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