News Scrapbook 1975-1977

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Thursday, April 7, 1977

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pretty !ri ky party Rtll Green' orch

(The tir.1est celebrators toppld off the meal With a toddlmg egg hunt m the gardr-n n hile- parents and grandparrnts aimed and r1red their Instamatics.) Bever!; larfred chalrnornan of the breakfast, which Zlac plan:s to make an annual evPnt • • · Reservations clo e tomorrow for "The Women':; Crusade for a Commonsense Economy" to be held April 19 al the Town & Country Hotel The srmmar and lunrhMn will feature a panel from the Umvers1ty or San Diego School of Busine,;s Administration modffated by Dean James M. Burns. Rep. Jack Kemp or ew Yorlt IS thr luncheon speaker. Chall'\\ornan Sara Finn pomts out that the program despite I title, ts for men, too. (In fact, !hf' first reservation was made by a man.)

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ing, 'Th Bright Sid " will entertain, and Rurt Hacharach Is exp ct d to be among 'h p Jal guests. (Th Center b<'gan m 1887 as an offshoot of th Wumen's Christian Temperance Union, but don't I t that stop you ~ there'll be ctnnk If you Y.ant th m.) Rosemary Logan is rhalrwoman or the party with Sharon Hope as hrr cochalr- woman • • • Another venerable San Di go institution, Zlac_Rowmg Club (1895), added a new trad1t10n to Its already trad lon-rtch an- nals Sunday with an Ea ter champagne breakfast for m mbers and th 1r ramili It _was a_ perfect day for savoring th club ·~11 10n Bay _ttmg, and the terrace and clubhou Y.Pr fill d with thrre-gen- erat1on group .


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luncheon committee. A panel moderated by University of San Diego Business dean , James M. Burns, will consider the topic, "Women : A New Dimension i11 Business Leadership." Also on the panel will be Dr . Fred Bahr, Dr. Bob O'Neil and Ellen Cook PhD candidate. -;(_ ' Reservations~may be made by calling Maureen Herrill at the USD public relations office, 291-G48&.

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publisher, and six other business women on a national committee have organized th~ Women's Crusade for a Co mmon S ense Econony. The fi rst San Diego meeting will take place April 19 with a seminar and luncheon at Town and Country's Golden West Room. Sara Finn, a.li0. I.a Jail , heads the local

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JACK KEMP FETE TUESDAY Only a limited number of reservations remain for the luncheon Tuesday featuring Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., former quarterback for the San Diego Chargers and the Buffalo Bills. Kemp will be the featured speaker at the Women's Crusade for a Common Sense Economy meeting at the Town & Country Hotel's Golden West Room. His topic will be "The Free En- terprise Answer." Reservations are being accepted through the Uni- versity or San Diego public relations office before 2 p.m. Monday

!o~ay the economy 1s 1n troub e.

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Eight seminarians to be accepted as candidates lor SacredOrders

~~~...,~ /4-1 /977 Vocations retreats offered lo youth

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Hinkley, Calif.

Southern Cro. Reporter Bishop Leo T. Maher will accept eight men from the diocesan St. Francis Semi- nary as candidates for Sacred Order~ at a special Mass, Saturday. April 30, at 2 p.m. in Immaculata church on the UrflYS[SltY of San Diego camr111. Father Lawrence Purcell, seminary rector, noted that this will be the second largest group from St. Fran- Cts to be accepted as candidates in recent years. Last year, JO men were accepted. AMONG THOSE to be accepted as candidates in the April 30 ceremony are: Christopher Chavez, St. Jo- seph parish, Barsto", Robert Gover. St. Francis de Sales parish, Riverside; Anthon\ Ferrero. Holy Rosary parish, San Bernardino; and Tim Ferris, St. Joseph parish,


Also, Jm- maculata parish, San Diego; Michael Helkenn, St. Calher- ine Laboure parish. San Diego: Peter Na\'arra, Christ the King parish. San Diego; and Bruce Orsborne, St. Martin parish, La Mesa. THE MEN will graduate from St. Francis and USD on Ma?' 22 before attending various major seminaries (theologates) for up to four years. Ferrero, Ferris and Hel- kenn will all continue studies for th priesthood al St. John Seminary. Collegeville, Minn. Chavez and Navarra will study at St Meintad Semi- nary, St. Memrad. Ind.; Freier and Orsborne at North American Collcgt, Rome; and Clover at American College, Louvain University, Belgium. Paul Freter,

The ret rcat for men will be held al SI. Francis Seminary, near !JjJixcr&itx of S·tn Dio,te campus, April 22-24. Retreats for women will be held April 29-May I at the Benedictine Convent nl Per- pecual Adoration, San Diego; and May b-7, al the Mary and Joseph Center in Cherry Valley. Details are available from l'alher Dolan or Sisler Pat Desmond at P.O. Box 80428, San Diego, 92138; phone: (714) 298-771 I, ed. 41.



Southern Cro~ Reporter "Stand up and be count• ed" is the theme of a scric of weekend retreats for high school seniors, college and working people interested in the life of a priest, Brother or Sister "There is no set cost for the retreats, though dona• tions will be accepted." according to Father Neal Dolan. director of the dioce• san Vocations Office which is sponsoring the retreats.

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A panel discussion by USD business school profes- sors starts the program at JO a.m. 'Woman of Year' selection due

Electronic !..aboratory Certer and a, member of the board of directors of the Greater San Diego Industry- Education CounrJl - Nellie Foltz, f'duealional coordi- nator for the School or Medical Tecll- nology, Mi>rcy Hospital and :\1edical Center and author of a guide to prepare slude-nts for state and na- tional licensing examinations.

ncentrates on animated him pro- ucllons and active in the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, the Comprehensive Planmng Organiza- llon and the St. Vlm:enl De Paul Society - Dorthea Edmiston. president of the San Diego City School~' Board of Education - Sister Sally M. Furay, vice s1dent and provost of thP Univ r- of San Diego. - Marta Huebner, an expert in bilingual education who is affiliated with United Chicano Club and active In Chicano organizations and as an adviser in the hinng of bilingual employes for Carlsbad l: nlted School District. - Patricia McNeece Kelly, a con- sulting d1et1t an who advises staff members of nursing homes and hos- pitals on nutrition and physical fit- ness. - June Lee Kirkendall, customer operations staff manager for Pacific Telephone Co. - 11. Chase McJunklns, vice prin- cipal at Gompers Junior High School, active in helping minority groups in career adjustment pro- grams. - Sherry Molina, board member of the American Cancer Society, president of the South Bay Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Assn. - Elisa L. Sanchez, assistant superintendent, San Diego City Schools and vice chairwoman of the Commission on Multicultural Bilin- gual Education. - Shirley Ann Vaine, owner and broker of her own real estate agen- cy, vice president of the Clairemont Mesa Chamber of Commerce. - Hazel I. Vickery, owner and operator ot a moving and storage business, member of Nortll County Chamber of Commerce, and has assisted Indians on the Pala Reser- vation. - Kay Whitcomb, an artist whoae works have been recognized in the field of an enamel. Bobette Williamson, women's program coordinator for the Na al /J , ....,.,,.. -

San Diego's "Woman of the Year" might be an artist, an educator, a bank executive - or, perhaps, the owner of a transfer and storage firm. She could be a dietitian, a commu- nity organizer, an active participant in city or county projects. Whatever, she will be one of 15 women designated as "Women of Achievement" by the President's Council of Women's Service, Busi- ness and Professional Clubs or San Diego. The "Woman of the Year" will be chosen from among the 15 nominees at a banquet at Vacation VU!age at 6:30 Wednesday night. Lynn Schenk, an attorney who was named "Woman of the Year" in 1975, will present the award. Candidates include: - Dr Lilllan K. Beam, involved In community work with the Urban League, Black Federation, San Diego County Human Relations Department, Chicano Federation, United Pan-Asians and League or Women Voters. An administor with the San Diego Community College District, she heads the affirmaUve action program. - Michelle Sobczynski, art direc• tor and partner of a company that

SOUTHERN CROSS, April 7, 1977-19



\ Bartholomew. Favors USO Basketball Bob Bartllolomew, Kearny High's Eastern League bas- ketball player of the Year and an All-County first team choice, is expected to sign a letter of intent with the Uni- versity of San Diego Wednesday. "I got feelers from Ari- zona Whittler and Pt. Loma Colleges," said the 6-foot-6 Bartholomew, "but I like the program at USD best." Bartholomew, who aver- aged 19.4 polnt.c; a game and almost that many rebounds, will join a 1976 AU-County first team player, Dave Cook, on the Torero team. Meanwhile, another All- County first team player, Henry's Michael Gay, will visit USC this weekend after narrowing his choices to Southern Cal and San Diego State. His brother, Bill, starts on the Trojan football team and should he opt for the Los Angeles school, would join last year's player of the year, Willie Brigham. "Both have a lot to offer, especially since San Diego State wilt be playing in the WAC," said Gay, who at 6-6 with a fine outside touch is considered the top area pros- pect this year the County Player of the Year, Mitchell Lilly, has received feelers from several local colleges but nothing definitive Lil 1 y, who averaged 31.9 points a game, a county record, Is hoping lo be_ able to attend th~ same school as his brother, Marshall. The other two first-team All-County players, Santana's Todd Harper and Helix's Mark Snow, arc jun- iors. Meanwhile,


Strong Bench Helps Padres Edge Toreros By PHIL COLLIER Stoff Writer, The son DiHO Union When older players such as Willie Davis, Tito Fuentes and Willie McCovey began to tire In the mid-summer heat last year, the San Diego Padres didn't have the re- serve strength to replace them The team tumbled from a contending position in third place to a distant fifth in the fmal standings. So far this spring, mem- bers or the San Diego bench have proved much more capable, rallying the Padres for a number of late-inning victones. It happened agam on the University of San Diego campus yesterday afternoon when reserve catcher Bob Davis broke a 3-3 lie with a two-run double In the sev- entll inning to help the Na- tional Leaguers nip the Toreros, 5-4, In a cold, wmdy, misty exhibition. "We're deeper in talent than we've ever been," man- ager Jolin McNamara (Continued OD C-%, Col. I)

CITED FOR BROTHERHOOD-Dr. Author Hughes, right, president or the L'nlverslty or San Diego, and Ma)or Pete Wilson or San Diego were among five honored b) the National Conference of Christians and Jews last week. Dr. Hughes wa,; one or four to receive the Regional Brotherhood Award, while the mayor received the Intematlonal Brotherhood Award.-SC photo

Archeologists To Sift Site

able up to $10,000 in financial aid.

San Diego archeologists front yard of what was tile have announced plans to ex- headquarters of former state cavate a Mis$1on Valley site Sen. Jack Schrade. believed to be a hidden Atlas Hotels, Inc , is ma!( storehouse of knowledge ing the property availabl1 about the prehistoric people for an archeological dig b! or San Diego. USD Prof. James Mori~ The site, located at 1904 and a team of scientists. Th Hotel Circle 'orth, is in the firm is also making avai ZI-' 1'177 Padre game to aid USO baseball The Umversity of San Diego Athletic Office is

-Slaff Pholo Bv Bob Redding not come up wttll throw In yesterday's exhlb1t1on with Toreros.

/417~ I mmaculata concert The La Jolla Civic/Univer- sity Orchestra and Chnrus will present a concert at the Jmmaculata church. Univer- sity of San Diego campus, at 8: IS p.m. Sunday, May 8, Another in lhe series "Evenings at the lmmacu- lata". the program will include Mozart's Symphony No. 29 in A Major. Tickets are $:) for adult~ and $1.50 for students. and will be available at the door or reserved by sending a check with a stamped, ~elf- address<'d envelope to the lmmaculata, Alcala Park, San Diego, 92110.

U D' Ken Capon appears caught off third but Padres' Bobby Val ntine could

,-8 Picou, ·'a sot THE SAN DIEGO UNIOrv.ben you consiO .ARGE MEETINGS ~:ns~ 0st va\ua cnu 01 a sm-a

on the USD baseball stadium complex. Better factliues aid in anracting better ballplayers and thus aid the USD baseball program, said USD baseball coach John Cun- ningham. Tickets are available at the athletic office at lhe univer- sity's Sports Center on Linda Vista Road. Additional infor- mation: 291-b480, ext. 357.

s u p e

offering discount tickets for lhe San Diego Padres-Los Angeles Dodgers baseball game Thur~day. April 28 as a benefit for the USD baseball program, Proceeds from the sale of S.000 reserved-seat tickets for the 7 p.m. contest at San Diego Stadium will go toward making final improveme~ts

streambed and a onetime bay shore, will yield tnfor malion about people who lived in the area as far bacJc as 25,000 years ago. The dig IS expected to find the most significant details of the prehistoric Diegueno and La Jolla cultures of this HOPE VOICED


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t Tile Board o iewed with

area, he said. :ism yesterday "We are hoolng for some- tirement Bo a

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