News Scrapbook 1975-1977


SOUTHERN CROSS, May 5, 19n-3

Women, ministry, priests, teachers USD summer courses tempt all palates Southern Cross Reporter A major institute on "Women and Ministry.. is Enright. principal of St. Paul the Apostle school, Los



known national women Reli- gious leaders, all of whom arc in the Congregation of the Sisters. Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These include Sisters Margaret Brennan, Juliana Casey, Carol Quigley and Mary Ellen Sheehan. They will explore and explain biblical and historical foundations of women and mini try and look at facets of women in Church service today. The institute runs from .lune IJ through 22. THE THEOl,OGY institute for priests, June 13-17, will be given by Msgr. J. Warren Holleran, presently director

of Vallombrosa Retreat Cen- ter and profe sor of scripture at St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park. The purpose of the five- day course "i to al'quamt the participants with the principl theme of the 1-:ourth Gospel," according to father Michael Higgins, di- rector of the program. Father Higgins is officialis for the diocese. The instilut will be held from 10 a.m. to J p.m. each day and some priests may be accommodated at the semi• ' nary, if necessary. THE WORKSHOP for Catholic school admmistra- tors will be held on USD campus from June 27 to July 15, and it is "designed to help Cutholic school ad- ministrators to be more effective as educational lea- ders und managers." lhe first week will exa- mine the admini.strator's po- sition tocl.iy, the sewnd week will 1<,ok .it Catholic chool and the third week deal with the aclrninbtrator as manag- er. Coorclmator I Dr. Joseph Rost, director ol the educa- tional adminbtration pro- gram at USO. Among the faculty are Brother James Zullo, chrec- tor of 'hristian Brothers counseling and consultation center, Chicago; Sister Stella

Angeles. and Dr. ·H. Giles S hmicl, director of educa- tion, San Diego diocese. THE GRADUATE pro- gram in educational minis- tries offers students the opportunity to earn a Mas- ter's degree in part-time or summer schools and includes special ummer course offer- mgs from June 22 through August 2. The lectures arc to be given by visiting professors as well as faculty of USO. The courses arc under the graduate program division of the university. Another "growth oppor- tunity" b offered to religious educat~rs at U D through th~ . diploma program in rehg1ous education arranged through the dine an depart- ment ot education b Sister Josephine Rrecn. COURSES include 01d and New I est,in1cnt in truction in cripturc. fundamental theology and acramental thcol gv. ome of th cour-.' ,ire va1lablc durmg the davtim • others at cvcnmg cla Further details regardmg all course~ may be obtained from USD, telephone 291-6480. Accommodation and course rates arc avail- able on request.

Blind Singer's Dog Becomes Best Critic

one of several special events and workshops being offered at the University of San Diego campus during sum- mer months. Other events include a theology institute for priests. a workshop for Catholic school administrators, a graduate program in educa- tional ministries leading to an MRE degree, and diploma courses in religious educa• tion. THE INSTITUTE on women and ministry will bring to the campus well

Soprano Tell Of (Thick And Thin Time With

By EL I E SMYTH Stoff Writer, TIie son Dle,o Union

Singer Dolor her dog, R na

Humes readily adrruts tay, is her best - and

worst - cntJc. Rena, a 4-year-old Hungarian V1zsla, 1s a sensit1v and riktng companion ho untimel woof " can both irritate and amu . r H e , blmd nc birth, the guide dog m e 1t clear he doesn't Ilke her m1 tn> to pla the piano But, \\hen 1t comes to Humes' lync soprano votre, that' something else. Humes p rfonned as one of two mu Jc rr a1or \\inners during the seventh annual Sister RoSSJ Music cholarsh1p Fund Con- cert ~ay 8 at the University of San Diego, and a close fnend who taped the concert said ther 1 clearly one "woof" on that tape. Rena \\as lttmg proudly m the front row while Hum sang a 1ozart aria in Italian, "Voi av te un cor fed le." She also sings In French and Gennan. Perhap Rena understood the gr at chasm Hwnl' had cross d when h per- formed on thl tage with the USD Sympho- ny Orch tra, du-erted by Dr. Henry Kolar Hum , who humor often surfaces m her conv rsalion aid the circumstances wer n't exactly 1deal. Exciting? Yes. Idea:J? o It as th first time she had perform d with a full orch stra, she aid, and the

chools, USD

· • -- -7- 19) lo/ 77 raduation time near

-108 from St. Augustine. San Diego. 8 p.m.. Tues:Jay. May JI; -165 from St. 'lhomas A4uinas, San Bernar lino, 7 p.m., Wednesday, June I; -104 from .Marian, Impe- rial Beach, 6:30 p.m., Friday June 3; -15 from Our Lady of Peace Academy, San Diego, J p.m., Saturday. June 4; -43 from San Lub Rey Academy, San Luis Rey, 2 p.m .. Sunday, June S; -260 from University. Saa Diego, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, June 9; -and 131 from Notre Dame, Riverside, 4 p.m., Saturday.•June 11, Undergraduate and grad- uate degrees will be awarded to 360 students at the USO graduation on the west lawn of the campus at J:30 p.m., Sunday, May 22. I GUEST SPEAKER for the afternoon and recipient of an honorary doctor of laws

Earlier that day. at 10:30 a.m. in the ( iv1c Theatre. downtown, the USO School of L1w will uwarcl degrees to 277 students. Guest speaker will b March Fong l:u, ( alifor111a Secretary of' Stutc.

PRIESTHOOD CA DIDATES-Eight seminarians pro- cess out or the lmmaculata on the USO campus preceding about 25 concclebrant , two deacons, and Bish?p L!o T. Maher following their acceptance as cand1dat for th prie thood for this dloce e In a Mas Sunda), pril 30. The) are, from left to ri~ht, Bruce 0r~born, Peter avarra, Michael Helkenn Paul Freter Tim Ferris, nthon) Ferrero, Robert Oover II, and Chris Cha" 1. Also during the Mas~ Bishop Maher bid farewell to Father Lawrence Purcell, St. Francis Seminary rector, who will join the Apostolic Delegate's staff in Washington, D.C.-SC photo

Hume , who


graduilte tomorrow as a u 1c ma1or from the Um- ver m of San Du:go, demon- traces hov.· she reads mu 1c from book in Bra11/e from h r ol e n. Her pilot dog, Rena e core her every- where, including ingmg performances.

degree from USO will be Pulitzer Prize-winning col- ..!!.mnist George F. Will.


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