SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


Minor Prophets, Daniel Isaiah, Jeremiah..., Daniel Daniel, Lamentation Minor Prophets, Daniel, Minor Prophets, Daniel Minor Prophets, Daniel

Traduction Française d'Apres le Manuscrit Add. 5997 du British Museum. Patrologia Orientalis 24, 1933, 169-294; 25, 1935-9, 175-485. (Table de Concordance pp. 475-85) Liturgical Readings and Prayers: There are numerous manuscripts in this categories. They include Psalms and Odes (used during the vigil service of Bright Saturday of the Pascha Week), Annual Psalmodia, and the Psalmodia for the month of Kiahk. The Manuscript list for this group is too large to includ here. b. Other Dialects: The following is a list of the available fragments identified and published for the Book of Daniel in Dialects S, A, and F:

PL.Bibl.11 PL.Bibl.13 SA.Bibl.72 Rev. SA.Bibl.73 SA.Bibl.93

VB123 Daniel, Minor Prophets Lectionaries: There are numerous manuscripts of lectionaries that include readings from the Book of Daniel. They are all included in the Lectionary for the Pascha Week. For a detailed list of these manuscripts, consult the following reference: Burmester, O. H. E., Le Lectionnaire de la Semaine Sainte. Texte Copte Edite avec





A:1-8,11-14 Maspero 1892 A:8-22 Maspero 1892 A:56-64 Boud'Hors 1987 (C) A:28-38 Till 1937

(1st Vision) - Susanna



1:4-10a,12-21 Maspero 1892 (C) (Z12)

2nd Vision 3rd Vision 4th Vision



2:1-4 Maspero 1892 (C) (Z12)

3:21-33 Ciasca 1889 (L) 3:26-45,52-4 Till 1939 (R) 3:36-8,40-3,46-52 Maspero 1892 (C) 3:52b-63 Ciasca 1889(L) 3:52-68,70-72 Leipoldt 1904 (C) 3:52-88 Quecke 1970 (R) 4:10-12,17-19 Leipoldt 1904(C)

3:50-55 1945 (C)

3:64-82,86,88 Crum 1893 (C)


(5th Vision)



5:6-10 Till 1937 (C) 5:16-20 Boud'Hors 1998 (C) 5:21 Pernigotti 1985 (C)

6th Vision



5:30-6:10b Maspero 1892 (C) (Z12) 6:2-4 Pernigotti 1985 (C)

6:9-12,13,15 Boud'Hors 1998 (C)

7th Vision


7:9-15 Ciasca 1889 (L)

8th Vision 9th Vision



St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter 8:18-27 Ciasca 1889 (C) (Z12) --- --- 10th Vision 9:1-27 Ciasca 1889 (C) (Z12) --- --- 11th Vision 10:1a Ciasca 1889 (C) (Z12) 10:4-11 Ciasca 1889 (L) --- ---

10:13, 11:2 Boud'Hors 1998 (C) 11:35-12:1a Leipoldt 1904 (C) 12:7-9 Till 1952 (C)

12th Vision --- 13th Vision ---

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