SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Greek Miracles

Coptic Miracles B (Bohairic) (Lost text)

Coptic Miracles A (Sahidic)


Coptic A1

Coptic A2


Arabic Text 1

Arabic Text 2 Arabic text 3

Ethiopic Text

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter 7 F. Jaritz, Die arabischen Quellen zum heiligen Menas, Abh. d. Deutsch. Archäol. Inst. zu Kairo -Isl. Reihe 7, Heidelberger Orientverl., 1993, 29, CR. R.G. Coquin, BSAC 33, 1994, p166-170. G.Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, Studi e testi 118, Vaticano 1944, p510-511. 8 Leclercq, op.cit., col 330. 9 For the Liturgical books cf H.Malak; "Les livres liturgiques de l'Eglise Copte" Mélanges Eugène Tisserant, Vol III/2, ST 233, Vatican 1964, p.1-35. U. Zanetti, "Bohairic Liturgical Manuscripts" OCP 61, 1995, p.65-94. 10 For this book cf. Youhanna Nessim Youssef "Un témoin méconnu de la littérature copte." BSAC 32, 1993, pp 139-147. Id. "Une relecture des glorifications coptes" BSAC 34, 1995, pp 77-83. 11 Y. Abd-al -Masih, "Doxologies in the Coptic Church. The Use of Doxologies" BSAC 4, 1938, p.97-113. Id. "Doxologies in the Coptic Church. Unedited Sa'idic Doxologies Volumes XIII and XIV of the Pierpont Morgan Collection of Coptic MSS." BSAC 5, 1939, p.175-191. Id. "Doxologies in the Coptic Church. Edited Bohairic Doxologies" BSAC 6, 1940, p.19-76. Id. "Doxologies in the Coptic Church. Unedited Bohairic Doxologies. I (Tût - Kyahk)" BSAC 8, 1942, p31-61. Id. "Doxologies in the Coptic Church. Unedited Bohairic Doxologies. II (Tûbah - An- Nâsi)" BSAC 11, 1945, p.95-158. 12 For this term cf O.H. E. Burmester, Koptische Handschriften 1, Die Handschriften der Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, VOHD XXI/1, Wiesbaden1975, p321-325. 13 L. Störk, Moptische Handschriften 2, Die Handschriften der Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, VOHD XXI/1, Stuttgart 1995, p457, End Notes: 1 G.R.Delehaye, "La diffusion des Amploules de Saint Ménas en Gaule. " Le Monde Copte 27-28, 1997, p155-165. 2 H.Leclercq, "St Ménas" DACL XI, Paris 1933, coll 324-397, M.Krause, "Menas the Miracle Maker, Saint" Coptic Encyclopedia, New York 1991, Vol 5, p1589-1590. J.M. Sauget, "Menna (Menas), santo, martire(?)" Bibliotheca Sanctorum IX Rome 1967, Col 324-343. G. Kaster "Menas von Ägypten" Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie 8, Rom 1990; coll 3-7. 3 De Lacy O'Leary, The Saints of Egypt in the Coptic Calendar, London 1937, 2 ed Philo Amsterdam 1974, p.194-197. 4 L. Depuydt, Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library , Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts , Leuven 1993, N° 125 p250-253. 5 P. Devos, "Un récit des miracles de S. Ménas en Copte et en éthiopien" Analecta Bollandiana 77 , 1959, p451-463, 78, 1960, p154-160. 6 R.G. Coquin, "Le fonds copte de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Oriental du Caire" Cahiers de la Bibliothèque Copte 1, Louvain 1983, p9-18 and especially p16.


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