SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


Glorification of Saint Menas Saint Menas the strong martyr, had been carried on the ships to take him to Egypt. When they were in mid-sea. great animals appeared. They were very fearful in their appearance

Sahidic Text


marvelous wonder, which happened in the sea(by) saint Menas of Mariout when great animals appeared

It happened that when they arrived to the mid-sea, there came out of the sea fearsome beast with necks raised aloft and faces like those of camels And they stretched their long necks onto the ship, wishing to take the remains of the saint and also the lives of the men on board. Whenever these beasts, as was their wont, raised their necks, fire came from the holy Apa Mena's remains and darted in their faces and they sank beneath the waves. 23 ...And the report spread abroad in the whole country of Mariotes...And so they built over the tomb a small oratory like a tetrapylon 24

to swallow the ship where your body where carried on it

they wish to swallow the ships and those who were on board

Fire came from his relics

you make the sea ceased and the animals sank They arrived to the Harbour and the Name of Lord had been

and burnt their faces, they sank

The saint Menas had been taken to Mariotes and they built to him a Church in this place. They assembled in it, making his feast three times a year

glorified by you

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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