Alcalá 1992

Laurie Lewis

Congratulations! We're very proud. Your acceptance of challenge has brought you success now as It will In all your endeavors. Mom, Dad, and your family

Congratulations! We send you love, happiness and success In all your future endeavors. Mom, Dad and Grandma

Kim Richardson

God gave us a priceless gift when he presented us with you. You give us so much love, pride and joy. All our love, congratulations. Dad and Mom

Kook Love and kisses and congratulations! You made the four year plan. Mom, Dad, Bucka Bucka, Dodo, Pea, Adooboy, Kaee, Willis and Grandma

David Riddlespurger

Sandi Sue Ciampa

Congratulations! You are the first Rlddlespurger to graduate from college We are so proud of you! Love . Mom, Dad and Darryl

Congratulations! Sandi Sue In '92! I've been proud of you every day since you were born. Love, Dad (and Mike too)

Mercedes Zarate Zaragoza

You bring a special love to our family and you continually help us laugh and see the fun side of life along with hard work We love you and are proud of you Mom, Dad, Lisa, Phil, Janeen, Noel, Maddy and Addison

Cedes: Congratulations, we are proud of you! With God blessing may you put to good use you education to help others. Love Dad, Mom and Victor

Maria Rhein

Steve Hood

We are proud of you and of what you have accomplished through your hard work and dedication. We love you. Mom, Dad and Ellen

The force of the waves Is in their perseverance. We love you and are very proud of you. Congratulations! Mom, Dad and Ken

Cy Kobey

Congratulations Princess! We are very proud of you! May your special friends and memories of USD be with you always along with happiness and success. Love Mom, Dad, and Keith

We are all so proud of you and love you very much. Mom and the whole Kobey • Morton Family

Mari Rios

Accept the pain, cherish the joys, resolve the regrets. Then can come the best of benedictions . "If 1 had my life to live over, I'd do it all the same." Mom, Dad, Bambi, Marnie and Heidi

Papi would have been so proud of his baby girl. Mama Coco, Rigo, Andy Pat, Coco and "Bogswan"

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