Alcalá 1992

Loree Ann Hill

Congratulations B. The great friends, experiences and Christian Education you received at USO will remain forever We're real proud of you and who you are. Mom, Dad, Paul, Anne and "Gogs"

Congratulations Miss Muffet We love you and are proud of you Once again, hard work pays off! Love Mom and Dad

You took you "Impossible Dream" and with courage, determination and hard work made it happen. We are so proud. Mom and Dad

Congratulations! We are proud of you! Mom and Dad

Kelvin J. Wood•

Heidi Girardot

Kelvin, we are proud of you and all of your accomplishments May God continue to bless you and we know He will Love Norman and Jean your parents and Maria

You have always been a source of great love joy and warmth. We know your future will be spectacular! Love, Mom, Dad and sisters

Continue to strive, seek, find and not yield Never regard the small as too little nor the great as too big. Congratulations! Love· Mom

Congratulations to a kind, gentle, loyal, thoughtful, considerate, Intelligent, sensitive, creative and brilliant Individual We love you Dad, Mom, Christine, Laura and Molly

Robert Jeffrey Crane

John David Vacanti

You believed n younclf from the start; the rest of us now believe, too! Don't stop and you can ach eve whatever you undertake Mom, Dad, Pat and Jennifer

You've come a long way baby but we'll just bet we ain't seen nothln' yet! Just Do It! Love from a very proud Mom and Dad

Amie Hutchison

Margo Marie Campillo

Way to go! We're so proud! Love you Mom, Dad, Suzi and Lindsey

Congratulations and God Bless you always Margo. We're so proud of you and we all love you so very much. Mom, Dad, John, Paul and Mark

Our First Born


From "Alibear" to Allyson and Ballbands to Highheels. Your metamorphosis is a beautiful memory. Your future bums bright. Love Mom and Dad

Congratulations! All your hard work (and worry) has paid off. May your future be as bright and successful as your past. Dad, Mom and Julie

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