19th Hole Dinner Menu

19th Hole Dinner 06-09-2019

19th Hole Signature Dishes

G LAZED O RGANIC A TLANTIC S ALMON lemon glazed salmon sautéed spinach, baked sweet potato

19 TH H OLE L AMB C HOPS three marinated lamb chops garlic green beans, baked sweet potato GF


R OTISSERIE C HICKEN one half rotisserie chicken garlic green beans cheddar mashed potatoes C HURRASCO G RILLED S TEAK chimichurri rubbed skirt steak lime aioli, French fries and oven roasted vegetables GF

B ALTIMORE S TYLE C RAB C AKES served with spinach over cheddar mashed potatoes Old Bay butter drizzle

8 OZ . NY S TRIP S TEAK sautéed spinach and baked potato

R OASTED V EGETABLES Q UINOA B URGER quinoa, black beans, toasted oats arugula, avocado tomato, Brussels sprouts GF V

C LASSIC C HEESE B URGER lettuce, tomato, choice of cheese crispy onion strips seasoned French fries, coleslaw

I VAN ’ S T URKEY B URGER fresh ground all natural turkey sundried tomatoes, olives and herbs, lettuce, tomato, onion seasoned French fries, fruit cup

Italy Trending by Chef Yousry

D OUBLE S TACKED C HICKEN P ARMESAN N.Y. S TYLE served with spaghetti marinara

B ONE - I N C HICKEN C ACCIATORE roasted peppers, mushrooms, onions sausage, light San Marzano tomato sauce GF

F ILLET OF S OLE P ICCATA linguine, garlic, tomatoes, capers white wine sauce

S PAGHETTI B OLOGNESE classic Italian meat sauce parmesan cheese

G AMBERONI A LLA G RIGLIA sautéed shrimp, lemon, garlic, olive oil, lemon herb saffron risotto GF

Additional Sides baby spinach, garlic green beans, oven roasted vegetables baked and sweet baked potatoes, cheddar mashed potatoes mashed and sweet mashed potatoes

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