News Scrapbook 1956-1959

MARINES IMPRESS USD COACH ;-/4 McCutcheon Praises MCRD Backs y ,JOH~"!'JY )f<'DONALD \campaign Sunday afternoon Martin. a 21-year-old back to the Marines on the Pioneer "Several of those Marine against Camp Le_jeune N.C., from Chicago, ~!.. wa~ the 30.. Valdez booted the extra ha<'k~ could play in any col- the Eastern Manne champs, top ground gamer with 83 pomt. lege hacklleld on the coast,'' in the first annual Leather- yards in 10 carries and MCRD drove 59 yards in 10 Rob tcCutcheon id yester• neck Bowl In Balboa Stadium. scored the second touchd?wn plays with Martin scoring duy as h rPviewed the Uni- "They're a real great ball on a four-yard slant off right from the four early in the verslty of San Diego's 35-0 club and should be congratu- tackle. Valdez, who operated second period. Valdez missed football loss to the powerful,lated,'' McCutcheon_ added. the clu~ in the first and se~- the placement. , , arlne Corps Recruit Depot He did single out Billy Mar- ond periods, connected on six nt Balboa Stadium aturday tin and Vern Valdez, his of 12 passes for 95 yards. . The. ball exc!1anged hands. nl ht bf'fore some 10,000 fans. quarterback at USD I a s t "Glover handled one side five !imes until . the end of A total of 11 backs col- year, In the backfield and o! our line' all night," Mc- t~e first half with the Ma- l lected 266 yard. on thp ground tack I e John Glover and Cutcheon said, "and Bullock rines ahead, 13-0. u the Murlne went on to guard Elbert Bullock as o u t- definitely hurt us from hi s Another :fumble, this time their ninth victory In 11 ·tarts standing for the Leather- linebacker spot." ?Y Tom Gates on the USD thi. ~ea on. 11.CRD closes lts,necks. The loss ended USD's vlc- .32, set up the third touch-

Along Main / Street. I ! ! r SI CASADY


tory string at six and gave down. Four plays later, Half- the Pioneers an 8-2 season1back Dale Boutwell went ! record. over left tackle from the two. The USD student b O d y A . Vald~z pass for extra gave Mccutcheon a silver pomts failed. . bowl following the game in USD held the Mannes !n recognition of the job he has fo~r downs at the one 1n th,e done this season. third quarter but couldn t Inscribed on the b O w 1 contain them in the !ma! were all of USD's football ~tanza. MCR~ drove 65 yards scores this season to th e m 12 plays with _fullback Ken ::vrCRD game. Luttcrba~h running 20 yards McCutcheon 1~ not expected up the middle for the s c o r e. to return a coach of th e A Pete Walsk! to Glover pass team next season. gave MCRD two points and it :\'larine coach Robert (Bull) was 27-0. Trometter said his quarter- With 41 seconds left, t h e backs made some mistakes Marines scored their :fl n al in the second quarter try- touchdown on Bob Liles' quar- !ng to run against the p i o- terback sneak. The p I a y neers' eight and nine-man line was set up by pass inter- but he was satisfied ·with th!' ference on the USD one. Liles' 'double-wing formation in the•pass to fullba<'k Al Chapman econd hall. ga e the 1Iarines two more Trometter said USD w a points for a 35-0 final. not as strong a. he figured STATISTICS but added that might be con- First downs ....... ~cRo 2, us,~ tributed to the fact t h at Rushin• vardo.. • . . ... 2" 19 quarterback Jan Ch a p m a n ;~::~~IY• rd a.. ···. ,oX't s-R and tackle John Mulligan ~~;..'tf..""f.,["' 1 '

Cause for Suspension 'l'he fn1luwing- a1-t11·l,• 1 csultcd in llw ~U>lll rlRion of UHIJ i;ltHlcnl 1Ja• JH'r and nwn s dl'atna club: Coeds To Help Actors Slnee women ~fll(lents from the USD campus are not allowed to act in Mcn·s CoJlpgi, shows, J<'r. L,•o F. LumphieJ', nwn's dr 1a C'oarh. has lnvit(~d <·



Ory • • •

IAle ftrarent ,,.Le ract·r :ro~:: ~~:;:t~,-~f ~:e rr• r. I,~ ,,, r• Father Lanphier exp,·essed ap tion, The Pap~r, was suspended m_dcfm1tely for an article preciatlon for the coop<'t·ation h that appeared m the No ember 20 issue. was getting from State coeds for The first group of journalist· to react to thi!'! action was "T1•n I,iltle Indian8," which will the '\\ide-awake newspap r sh1ff of the San Diego State be st aged .January 16-17-18. He College Aztec. In their Decemlwr !i is:-sue an entire page was was also grateful for the suc<'ess devoted to news of USD. The news was accompanied by an of '"Slalag . 17 •" which had a pack- d·t · I ·t· · · t i t.· f ti USD d .. t. t· ed three-n,ght 1·un, November 6- e 1 ona en 1c1zrng 1e ac 10n o 1e a mrn1s l'a 10n. 7-8. Th<'atr<'goP1·s, h<' ~aid, singled Th e Aztec pointed out that The Paper was a student. out Jim O'Leru·y, .John Bowman publica!ion that did not depelld upon the University for and Steve Lenihan for topflight f unds, mst.ead relying rilely upon the profits of adv<>rt.ising p<'rformance inn "'Stalag." ~ 1:~:~si~ collaborate on drnmatic function. as they now do on social fun All journalists in t his area sat. up and took last tions." ,~eek '\\ hen the University of Die_g~'s student. publ~ca- administration as a veiled c-1iti~ i ·m of the College of \V 0P1en. The Ran Diego Tribune on De- Authoritarianism we deplore along" ith most oth<'J' reel- c<·nibe, 3 .,eportecl. that the Uni- blooded Americans. On th' other hand, we have t.o admit ve1s1ty ol San Diego had sus that irresponsible iournali lws caused much unnccessarv P~ nd ."d th e 1'1t-n·. College stnd ,,n t 11 • I - · , . · pubhcal10n 'J'hP l'a1wr and als ro~ > e :n t. 11s v. orld. St.rn_ng ml'asun•s are ::eo!1~e~1mcs 1:ee

Valdez to. ed 30 yards to halfback Duke Snider 1 o r the first touchdown with 3:45 left in the inl !al period. This was et up when USD full- back Avalon Wrli:ht fumbled ,

-San Dieuo Union Photo by Bob Redd1n1 yard gain on last play of fir t quarter of U D-MCRQ game at Balboa Sta- dium. fal'tin picked up 83 yards in 10 carr1 as MCRD beat Pioneers, 35-0.

top I;m- (43) ven-



FREEDOM OF THE PRE ·s /.,2, '/'/sf i'lce San Diego University women students are not al1011 ed to act in men students' . hows, the drama coach, with admmistrat.on approval invited San Diego State College co- ed< to try out USD schoo. paper, "The Paper," printed the ~tory. Result· Suspension. "The Aztec," SDSC newspaper, on Dec. 5 devoted one page to news for USD men students. 300 copies were de- livered to th university Alcala campus. A cartoon showed the USD papci: at half mast.

on ol :season

/i2/ltjn age Club ests La Verne USD

SD Masqu r Reinstated; No cfon on Paper Un, erslty of San D1 go Hg- cnts havc react vated the st>.1.• dent drama group b ,t h ·e w held a .Ion whi<:-h "ou i permit ublu:-ation of a stud nt news raper The university suspended both gir ps two wet>ks ago a•t r a 1e- act10n to an article which ap p<'nred in the .N' ov 20 1 ue f he newspaper, The Paper. University officials d the r- ttde criticized the <'o egc for Women. A tatement released Fndn; s.: 1d, "The Board ( d P.egenti,) <'a. Mdcd to reactiva•e the 'A cala Masq 1er ' followmg emes'er x- amn'l ttons. "The f,r~t produ tlon " 11 be tho trad,t,onal Pas le Pia f ,now,e.l by a sprlng prod'" t,or ' the statement sai<.l. The bo'1ril said 1t Is stm;ying a plan " r a stud nt newspaper ",n hieh tpe v~ r ous set vols . . . ill p. 1 taC'ipate" Staff membe o! the suSJ)f'nded new paper were frvm the College for [en only. Regents said they d d not per- • anently suppress the extra-cur- rirular nctjvitie~. The su p<'nsion wer lev,ed so the a tn t1e11 could b brc,• gbt In line ",th ''ba$iC ob- jectives of solid academic achi<'ve- rn nts." Until a new ·stt dent newspap('r u, organized a section 1n The South rn C'ros., (

t lA

1, SJ Drama uroup Reinstated By USO Regents University o! San D l e g o regents have reactivated the tudent drama group, Alcala ~!asquers, but have withheld action on permitting publica- tion o:f the college newspaper. Both activities \\ ere sus- pended last week after an article in the new

. --7,... THE PROBLEM RE T ~ztec learned with inter . t over ti e we~kend of th~ deC'1 10n l.iy the L niven,ity of ~ar: Dleg'.l reg-en t C'IP-.•ate •he su ·pendect dram, r1oup. I'Iun to inve,,tigate th<' po ·s1btlitv of I e-e-tal.ilis} ng a new.paper on compus "to .·erve the eut 1e um..,ers1t) were al o of ~real inte <>st ti) The Aztec. But n prolllem of freedom of the pre s remains. .Th Az~':c had no quarrel with the authority of uni- vers!tY officials to suspend either or both groups. Obvwusly they have that authoritv. . Ilut issu~ raised here again. is whetl1er the univer- s1t\· Rd1!11111::;trat10n was using its power judiciouslv in suspendmg the newspaper and whether it might· not repeat the same action again. "' hat is needed is. not the right to su::;pend- but the dut_.\· to work _cooper~t1v~ly and creatively with the pul>li- cat1~n to achieve ob.1ecbves beneficial to the entire uni- versity. lf the young publication was wrong. what was to h'.1ve prev~nted college administrators from dealing indi- vidually mth students involved·? Fr~e~'?m of the press is not an unbridled freedom· respons1b1hty to the reader is its first premise. ' . As The_Pap_er continues t.o grow-if and v.hen it i' rPmstated-1t will ,gTOW on]~, if it is allo\\Prl to disc Aztec has neYer been suspended . · . Only wif:h this same sort of enlightened a

reg Star s Downs U

The University of San Diego will be out to collect its sec- ond basketball victory of the young ea~on tonight when the Pioneer· t a k e on La Verne Colli-ge at Mission Bay High gymnasium. Tipoff is 8 o'clock. Coach Le., Harvey·s team won its first game of thf> sea- son, dropping the San Diego C'Saval Station, 65•59. and then lo t to Biola College, San Diego Naval Training Center! and Loyola University. The Pioneers in two games last season with the visiting La Verne club traded wins. USD set a school scoring rec- ord in their first meeting al Mission Bav High in 19$7 by winning 100-80 and then the Pioneers Jost the r e tu r n' match at La Verne, 63-61. Harvey announced yester- day that he would alter his starting lineup for t onight's game by starting Ken Leslie 15-ll J and Bob Maine (6-0l at :forwards, Tom M a this \5-11 l and Ed Baron <6-1 l at guard: and Ron Roth (6·3) a1 centel'.


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