News Scrapbook 1956-1959

n iversidad De Sa Diego Apa ut AIYleri Politecnico 63-0



1 7



No--1 r7

Tras un Primer medio muy bueno Uriel Gonza lez sac6 a su mejor gente Por JORGE BERMEJO Red~ctor 4t LA Al'ICION. * tenla caso exponer a. sllS hombres y

nada podia hacer, pens6 que quemar a mfsmo &us riltimos cartuch~. ert tanto como quemar su p61von en infiernlto.s. 1 nos han vlsitado, con magnff t juego aereo. mucho peso y mu• cha rapldez; como- buen equip< callfornlano. su ofenslva es ale, gre, varlada.. Durante la prlmera parte, vi • mo.s buenas acclones de ambot lados; pero ya en la segunda .: amo y sefior de! emparrillad( tu San Diego y por lo tanto ej Juego se tom6 y la gen, te se d lc6 a di ,11. c ti, llaa de los jugadores d I Poll l priJlclpalm te e nza. lea. I'll San Diego. e!ectlvamenre, e1 uno de los meJores- equipos

Mill 10n Doll rs


Uriel ae encont.raba ante la es- pada y 1 pared, por un lado te- nfa el compromlso moral de J>ro- sentar peleB a lo.s "gueritos" y })Or otro lado la obllaacl6n de mantcner en buena condici6n fl- .ska a su.s Jugadores para el juego de! pr6ximo dorrungo con- tra Unlversldad en el que tocla- vfa asplra a obtener cl Campeo- nato Uriel tra t6 de cumplir con 11m- bo.s compro os; en la primera parte Jes pele6 sln importar al- gun 1 timadura y la hubo, en la. pe na de Stalin Vacasey- del; puo una vez que vl6 que

CONTINUED FROM 'pAG• 1 some small pa rt in the de\'C'l- opment of thi, great univer- sity. Would n' t a ll o! you?" J. V • ·aish, executive vice President of Convair. ex- pressed what he termed th e approach to the um- \'ersity and it fund-rais ing campaign "Alcala Park speaks !or it- self, he said. "The university leaders have sho\,n the ability

to lake c.-rc of current growth ......-""""" ,ind at the same time plan "' ".. "-~"' · !or the vrars 10 come. The univcrsit; reflects excellent long.range planning. "Everyone like to help those who help themselves," l\'aish c·ontinued. "Anrl that has been highly evidenced heri-" Bjshor Buddy l'i pl'aks ~lsgr James P O'Shea was master of ceremonies.


The Arts and SciPnce Build- Ing is the final phase of the major construction program planned for the campus. The administration building

CONS'f RlJCTION PLA.1 Nt:D - • vers ity of San Diego seek~ 31 million dol- The Uni-

Jar to build thi. Arts ant: Scien ce Buildi ng

fu nd

T he

its Alcala Park campus.






s!iown Gorct,,n Tl1omas Jr., mathl'-jslc•s dPpar lmPnt al San DtPgo t!1e Col lege or St. Catheri ne ,

Collcgl' for Women buildings, are as _inll'J·csted as wp ou:. 1 I~ e C'nc·o_ura~emPnl Rlld .eminary building have scl\es in the suc·cess or tlus llus morning,


St. P<1ul, Minn. _

Margaret Slate College,


said B• hop matlc~.


I a\\ enterprise. For San Diega1 1 s Budd). "Your attcndan " Reilly, Nlucatlon and p,, c- ho-1 Miss Crem rC'<'C'ivPcl II drw.

Thomas !'N'e1verl hi s h/l ('h. Plor of sc1Pnce degree lrom I Mothrr Reil ly holds m11s_ter

complf'terl. The


• Roelen Set Wave Mark J11y no Jen srt an all !me year hes thr n for ,427 l'epperdine College car er yaxds, also ap a I time Wave p Ing mark . but the Wave mark. bowrrl to San Diego Urnver- The ave wound up their lty, 27 0, la t night In both season wl h a three win, six hoot's 19 7 football fma e at lo:ss season. El C m!no Colle For San Diego. Quarterback Roe Jen wa. n't ble to en Vern Valdez was the key man neer a touchdo alnst h throwing to C. G. Walker for tough Bord r nlverslty rtr.- touchdowns or 15 and 25 fensc, but com letcct 2 o! 39 yards and englnerrlng two pa es tor 123 y rds. It gave ground touchdowns. him 2391 yards for his three ~.~i!~•,~~ u. _. . . g IJ z 7- 2 b years 8 a Wave• Rnd broke an 01,~o Unt ,u1t7 touchdown,, the mark of 2383 et from Walk" 2 "~- oa.. v,trtu. 2~ ••"· l948-19o0 by Ed Hyduke. This i1J~•~nl K~J~u;J; 0 • •~~• ar hron.,





rm an OrtwPlll


ts a vote of t'On• log\'·


,ill be completed are proud to learn that thelJ here reprc

building next month.


rom th,, University of Illinois .


Baron H an~l or O P '. osop_ 1''

ldcnce in what we are try- ma.thrmatics·

city plans to he an education-

and Laval Un1vcrs11y, QuebPC·,

and al 1·ent~r second 10 none in ing to do. And ~e do need von Koerbr; GPrman,

library builrling


Mrs. 1111! 1s a former mem. of 11rts and doct~ r of ph1lo- bPT of the !ac-ulty at De Sales sophy degrees .r1 om Loyola

.1our h~lp ln bmldmg ?ur Arts Mrs. Giwn Holly Simpson,

church, California

Jmmaculata, campu are under construction. In di ·cussing the university program, Bishop Buddy said :

I Univers ity of Chicago.


and Sciences bu1ldmg. lle said the university of•

T rainin" Goa l Told "The; are ;ware of the cul- tural contribution the Unher- fers

Baird received his bachc>Jor College, Toledo. Ohio. to those of ar1s degree from the L,ni- · Lippert r eeived his ha<'11- Ortwein, received a bach- .. From the beginning, this sity of San Diego can give people who have ne, er ha_d a versity of Wisconsin and h is elor or arts degree from AJ. elor or sc-1ence degre~ from in. t1tution of learning has wel. the Southland. chan_ce for higher edu,.at1on mastn o[ arts degree from bright Collf'gl', Reading. P11. thP Univf'rsity o! Wash ington . corned lo its halls young "They know that here we A night sc-hool. for the col- the UnivHsity of C11li forni;o, Mr . Simpson rHeivcd h<'r Von Koerber is a g r ad ua te men and women of every want to train men and women llegiate group is envisioned He has hc>en head of the phy. hal'iwl nr of arts degr<'P rrom or Uni\ <'rsity of BC'rl in need and no creed. Students for high civic responsibilili<'s, for those people . . of other Jaiths 1h11n our own that here \\C want Jo provide "Our Sl'hool or law 1~ do- are not required to . tudv re- the facilities equal to such an ing tha1 now, with its e, P• liglon nor attend am ki~d of undertaking." ning c·las.-es," the hishop chapel sen·ite. • Bishop Budd,· complimented pointed o_ut . •;:,;o Di~tinction :'\lade' the Evening Tribune and The HP said laek of frnances opportunities

• . ·o di. tinction is made for San Diego Union and James would never pr_event any slu- rea ons n[ creed. no favor- s. Coplev. president and pub- den1 from altam1~g- a h!ghe1· tism. In (ar·t the student body lisher 0 ·1 tne Union-Trihune prlucat,on at the Cm\'ersny or o( the m"n's college elected Publishino- Co. !or a series San Diego: a non-Catholic as its presi- of slories'"on th~ universit;·. ''There 1~ absolute!> no rea- dent this year "Simpl), clearly, factually son why any _young person · We are in the happy posi- they ha,·e told our story to I should. be deprived ol higher 110n to pay a like tribute to l 1 he people of the Southland. e_ducat1011, " he concluded. the other_chur:hes and sy~a- And they have told_ i! with College for Women gogues 111 this community amazing success. It 1s 1mpos- j N 9 T h noted for it interfaith co- sible to assess the value of ames eac erS operation and friendship . their achievement." he said. The San Diego College for "We a re witnesses to the "Perhaps it is 1or all these, Women has appointer! nine growing interest of non-Catho- reasons thllt we now make new faculty members. Moth<'r li e San Die:::an in the dev<'I- bold 1o rail upon the public Frances Dan:r., president, an. opment of the university. We !or ~uppo1 t. nounced today. ill"f' •inspired by thrir partici- Plans lor naming commit• They are pation in many of U1e school's !!'es to car,y through the drive Oscar B11ird , physics; :',1iss programs and events. also were outlined at the Tcre ·a Crem, philosoph_, ; "Indeed, it is s carcely an breakfast. Mrs. Myron Hill. a rt ; Ru- CXll "'""l'at,on to sa v that thin- "T 11m hi!'hh· pleased with dolph Lippert. astronomy;

The drive was opened for- mally by the Most Rev. Charle F. Buddy, Bishop otl San Diego, at a brPakfast ·1 ol civic leaders on the uni- versity's Alcala Park cam- pus. A 3 1 2-million-dollar l u n d drive for construction ol an Arts and Science Building on lhe University of San Diego I campus opened today. Chairman Post Filled l Murray Goodrich, promi- nPnt San Diego businessman, was named campaign chair- man. He will announce an ex- ecuti ve committee for th · campaign soon, ,, At the suggestion o( Gra~ don Hoffman, lhe group whicii 11_ttended the breakfast was d{J signaled as campaign counei'J to approve plans submitted tli the executive committee. fl Goodrich expressed the cct~ viction that the goal could f j reached. He expressed his ! campaign formula as this: "Pray 10 God for help, then follow it up with a lot of hard work." He was nominated for chair- man by George A. Scott. "I am going to give this campaign everything I've got, "Goodrich said." For one thing, I believe in this college. I've seen all the effort a lready put into it, and t he work ha s been really great," Good rich aid . Knight Letter Read He read a letter o! endorse - ment and best wishes for suc- 1cess of the campaign from Gov. Knight. I I Msgr. John Storm, presi- dent of the University's Col- i lege for Men , said that San Diego has grown to rea lize its cla im as a r eal university city. "Now," he said, ''lhe un i-, versity of San Di ego has reached the point where it needs your help - a few hours of the useful years God has given you." "It's a tremendous compli- ment to San Diego to have the univetsity located here," said George A. Scott. "Let us all be grateful for the opportun- ity of service which is of- fered us. In my closing years, j I would like to look back and 1hink tha t maybe I had hart (Continued on a-3, Col. l J

a, > ·- .. Q C 0 ·- ·- I ... M

BUILDING FEATURES - The ::Wost Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of San Diego, points out features of building

to be constructed at the University of a n Diego to Murray Goodrich and lsgr . .John Storm, university head.

ceanside '5' University of San Diego's basketball P ioneers host Ocean- I side-Carlsba d Junior College to- night at g in St. Augustine !High gym . This Is the Pioneers' first home game of the season and their first against collegiate op-" position . P ioneer coach Fon Johnson has n a m ed Ken Leslie (6-0) and Charles Thomeczek (6-3) to start at guards with Carl Hen- drickson (6-9) a t center and Carl Reynolds (6-31 and Lee Hammond (6-6) at forward spots.


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