News Scrapbook 1956-1959

., • e Advoca e More SuE'scripers thruout the Northern San Diego County Region Than 'Any Other Newspaper ESCONDIDO, CALIF., TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1957 yl I

Phone SH 5-661 l VOLUME XLV, NUMBER 288

P.rice 5 Cents


AME Thank giving Day Contest t emorial Field n·dered by Jaycees By RON KENNEY The University of San Diego, which will be playing its sec- ond sc;ison of varsity football this Fall, will be one of the op- ponents in the second annual Citricado Bowl Football gome here. Robctt McCutcheon, head coach, confirmed Tuesday. . The Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored charity (lame subject to approval will be played at Escondido Union l Irgh School's Memori.:rl Field in l,1te November. The Bowl commit- tee is considering a Thanksgiving Day game Nov. 28 or a Sat- urdc1y night game Nov. 30. MrCutcbeon. who coached last ye;ir ;it Antelope Valley Junior Collt>ge. perennial chmnpion of the South Central Con• fcrence, told The Times-Advoc<1te 111 a telephone conversation Tuesday that he has accepted a verbal invitation to play in the Bowl g:1me. The invitation was extended by H;irry Hinton, chairman of special arrangements. Hinton, last year's Bowl chairman and originator of the game, also confirmed McCutchcon's announce- ment. McCutcheon and Paul Platz. assistant coc1ch, will meet Thtmdoy night in Escondido with the JC Bowl committee to complete arrangements and details. Dick Redding and 'huck Bleck arc co-chairmen for the Bowl game. Hinton said he plans to negotiate with the University of California at Riverside to be the oppone1it for San Diego. Se- lection of the second team is expected before Sept. 1. ~crnrding to Hinton. ~---------__,,

(Weekly In 1886)



June, 1957

Aug us t, 1957



Team In The West The University of Sar Diego, the only Catholic Umversily still playing football in the West will start ils annual Boo&ters Clµb driye August 1, 1957. Members are urgently needed lo guarantee !he continued suo,:ess of Athletics al !he Univen1ty. A full sports program has been set in which 1he University will compete in football, basketball, Mexico Polytechnic. Baseball and Track. a student body consisting of all through the Athletic Department, faiths. 1 with any and all donations go- The University is following the ing directly into athletics. Boost- N.C.A.A. rules and very shortly ers members and University let• I hope ~o be accepted as a member I termen will be calling on all I of this orgamza!ion. parts o! the City of San Diego An entire new Coaching taff and also the county from now h~s been hired at the Univec-

"W·<' will cooperate 100 per ccnl with the Esrondido Junior ChambC'r of Commerce in stag- ing its game," Mccutcheon add· ed. said he expects about G.'5 candidates for the Uni- versity's team this Fall. Among th"m will he Robert Ke,_ves, a junior C'ollPge all-Ameri<"an at Anfc!c,p,, \"all<',· last 'j'Cat'. s,-.,·cr- 1 f 1 l ,•r,r h·n1 1 ;\1r-C'uf,~1 co1fs :Sou1h Cc-ntral Confrr nt.:• drnmpions ol l;,sl :- ,'ar will b~ playing al llw University of Sar, Diego l his Fall. The team will play a nine-game ~chedule prior to the Bowl game. Opponents will be Barstow Ma- rines. Na val Training Center, Marin~ Corps Recl'uit Depot. which dl'i'ealed Santa Barbara State Coll ege, 25-H. in last year's j Bowl game; Arizona Stale', New Mcxkn \Ve~tcrn, Pomona Col- l<'gl', l\k'>,)co Cily Polyl"clrnic, l 11ivcr~i1y of MC'xirn :rnrl Pcp- pcrrllnP. The Un 1wr~ity of :C:an DiC'go wa s incorpora!C>d in 194!1. Thr. worn n's ~cho11l opcn<'d in 1952 and 1n;'n's school open<'cl in 1!15•1. An 0111·0Jlmpnt pf 300 full-I imP d, stur!Pnl:s is <'Xfl('C'lC'rl (his Fall in h ihP m<'n's nnd \WJme11's I ~,!Jeg<'s. :VlcCutrheon

-Son Diego Union Stoff Photo

ful and is fully qualified in the pers.' field of Athletics. The new Ceach and any member of his staff will be more than glad to appear at any group organization to dis- cuss the University, its proposed program, and its potential in Athletics.

Welch, a new back, played with the l:niversity of Pittsburgh last season while Gremer, a former Illinois guard, will be with the Devildogs for the sec- r.nd eason. Sixty-five players reported.

Bill Welch, left, and John Gremer, center, discus. the football outlook with coach Robert (Bull) Trometter yesterday as Marine Corps Recruit Depat opened its football practice.

TROMETTER ADMITS BACKS PLENTIFUL Marine Gridmen Repor ; oach Seeks Line Depth

The great thing about the Uni- versity is that they have the pri- vilege of being the only C11tno- lic University in the West play- ing football. Their potential is unlimited if they can continue , to get the suppor1 of a 1 •ne booster club. Their 1957 football season rons ists of eight g m<>s which include a 10 day trip to Mexico City, where they play j the University of Mexico and

Travis Air Force Base and Fort Bliss. Games still may bP ar- ranged with the Hawaiian Marin<'s and Whittier Col- lege . Leading candidates: Ends Ron Asc;hbocher. Bob Bersi• monn, Charlev Brock, Bob Covington, Jim R.obin~on. Jack Stillwell, Homer Green, Bill Morgon. Guards-Chuck Bradv, John Gremer, Jim Lassiter, Ted Karras, Felix Mol- lett, John Pa1fon, Centers-Lou Hallow, Mike. Conne.llev, Don Solio. Tackles-John Covne, John Klotz, Bob Mountjoy, Hank Schmidt, Buddy Lewis. Bill Doty, Jock Scott. Qoorterback~ - Pett Wal5ki. Tom Cook, Ewing Mclaren, Fronk Matteson, Neat Olbrantz. Holfbocks - Oolt Boutwell, Geor$e iu~~~;'o~:'gnl~it!• s111c:,,~~: 5 Ro~r~~. R"encLuTt~~~JCh.Bob Garner, Bill Ful{backs-Chuck Smith 1 Eldbert Bui• loc;k, Jim Pyles. Bob Enaress, Ed Sey- bolt. Bob Rhine, Lonnie Griggs, Chet Baity, Haves.________

ty, Tex., Co 11 e g e, Bill Welch, who pla~ ed last sea• son at the University o! Pittsburgh, and Jim Pyles, ex-San Diego State ful back. Top line ne cn'm r~ fo- dudt> e-nd" Bob Bergman ot Purdul', Jack Stilh,eJ' ot ' ortnwestern and Jim Rob• inson of Fisk l:niversity. guard Jim LassitPr o[ the University of Colorado, and tackle Buddy Lewis, ex- Point Loma High perform- er who was an all-Border Conference selection at the University of Arizona tor three seasons. Assisting CWO Trometer on the coaching staft will be Capt. Frank Pirman, backs; Lt. Eddie Johns, line; and Lt. Bob McAlex- andPr, Pnds . The cluh will woraoul in s h o r t through Saturday and go to tull gear next Monday. Tromelle1· plans to trim JS players -from the squad by next week. The Devildogs open their season in tne annual Oys- ter Bowl game in Souih Bend, Wash., -ept. H against Malmstrom Air Force Base ot Great Falls, Monr.

Sixt). 1ve pla)f'rs report- ed ye tP da v to coach Rob- ert lBUI 'Trometter for the Jirst day of football prac- ticP at farine Corps Re- cruit Depot. Although the .,quad ha~ 12 JettermPn and several good collegP additions, Tro- metter took a dimmer view or the pro•pects on hand. 'Tl! hllH to admit \\e have some pre l ty good backs, but we 're going to need more help at the tackle, guard and center po- sitions," he said. "We can't go a 1 on g successfully against the tough teams we have scheduled with only a handful ot top linemen. •·Quarterback is a ques- tion mark and I'm only hoping wr haq• the proprr material to operate from the split-T." Tromette, said he want- ed a squad o[ about 34 or :i:; men by the time the season rolls around. 'Tm in a tough spot," he a d d e d. "The basketball 1Pam won the All-Marine title ;,nd the basPball team is having a great season. Although the :!ootball team didn't cio lo well last ~·ear. the people herP Pxpect a winner. I'll I rse P m:i, fmal opinion on that later this tall ., H dinit thP lisr of re- turnees is Ron Aschbacher, former dl'!fenshe end with the San Francisco 49ers. Others ne guards Chuck Brady, John Gremer, Ted Karras and John Patton; centers Lou Hallow and Mike Connelley; tackles , John Coyne. .Tohn Klotz and Hank chmidl. and backs Alvin Hall and George Gui- dr.. It the newcomers live up to reputations made in'col- legP thi,; rould be a banner Year for Ifie Devildog~. • Th " e torme, Fresno State back~, ~n of whom ·erp na.m the all-Cali- farnra I on,i:late Athletic A.,soci'a~io l am, may pro- \'ide plent~ peed !or thP M rines th! season. They are L . 'faylor, Dukf' Sn!dPt" and Bob Garner. An other I-re nan is !ullback Eld¥ BulJ,ock Othtr !eadm,;' backfield candidates are Ernie Merk, ex-Helix High flash who played at Southern Cali- fornia; Jack Hays ot T ·lni•

August, 1957

USD Booster Launch Drive, University of San Diego th only remaining Roman Ca.tholi~ ~mverslty still playing football m th e West, started its annual Boosters Club drive Thursday Members are needed t~ guarantee the continued sue, ' cess of athletics at the univer- sity, the club said. A full sports program in which thp u·niver- s ty will compete in footba 11 ~asketbeJI, baseball and t k is plMned. · rac The chool Is uni4Ue In tha It ls a Cathoitc university wi a student body consisting of al faiths, Booster Club officer sa,d. The university follows NCAA rules and hopes to be accepted as a member soon, An entire new coaching staff has been hired at the university with Coach Bob Mccutcheon heading the department. He is also the head football coach The new coach and any me~- ber of his staff will be glad t appear before any group to dis~ cuss the university, its pro- ~osed program and its poterttlal Im athletics. I . The 1957 football season con- ~~sts of eight games, including e University of Mexico and Mexico Polytechnic. Mccutcheon said "the f d dtive will be handled thro:h the Athletic Department with alJ do~ations going directiy into athletics.•Boosters Club bers d mem- . a.n unjvers!ty lettermen Wlli be calJ!ng in all parts f San Die o go and the county till S~tspt. 1 When football practice ge under way.

University of San Diego, the only remaining noman Catholic university still playing football· in the West, started its annual Boosters Club drive Thursday. Members are needed to guarantee the continued suc- cess of athletics at the univer- sity, the club said. A full sports. program in which the univer• sity will compete in football, basketball, baseball and track is planned. • The school 1s unique in that it is a Catholic university with a student body consisting of all faiths, Booster Club officers said. The universtty follows NCAA rules and hopes to be accepted as a member Mon. An entire new coach g staff hu, been hired at the university witn Coach Bob McCutcheon heading the department. He is also the hea.d football coach.• The new coach a.nd any mem- ber of his staff will be glad to appear before any group to dis- cuss th,e university, its pro- posed p ogram and its potential in athletics. The 1957 football season con• sists of eight games, iqc ding the University of Me co and Mexico Polytechnic. McCutcheon said "the fund drive will be handled through the Athletic Departmeijt, th all dona.tions going directly mto athletics. Boosters Clu mem- bers and university lettermen will be calling in all parts of San Diego and thP county till Sept. 1 when football practice gets under· way.

August 1, 1957

USD, Montana State F otball Pact By JOHNNY, McDONALD r University of San Diego and includes Barsto,\i Marines, Montana State football teams New Mexico Western, Po- yesterday agreed to a home- mona· and Marine Corps Re, and-home series, the f Ir st cruit Depot at home and AriJ game to be played Oct. 5 in zona State (Flagstaff), Unic Bozemifh, Mont., Pi on e er versity of Mexico, Mexic coach Bob cCutcheon r e • College, Pepperdine and Sau ported yesterday. ta Barbara away. d he team's will meet Oct. Mccutcheon also said th g 4. 1958, In San Diego. For contracts are out to the Un . . verslty of Mexico, New Mei 1 Montana tate this fills a ico Western, San Francisc 1 da e left open when N av a I State and Pepperdine for nex , Tra1ving Center announced it season. He indicated that tht was ropping football. success of this season would M a State, coached by have a strong bearing on, Tony Storti, was unbeaten In whether he would accept a nine games last season a n d home-and-home arrangement play d o a scoreless tie with with Texas Western in 1958- St. Joseph's of Indiana in the 59. televised Aluminum B o w I Mccutcheon said game. pects a turnout of This gives the Pioneers a when USD opens 10-game schedule which also Sept. 1. h~ e:t- 60 men~ practic


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