shops display llieir luxuries, running from Kon­ gens Nylorv to Amagertorv, and Vimmelskaftet that winds its way past the church of Iloly- Spirit (Helliggeistes Kirke) from Amagertorv to Gammeltorv, from whicli Fredcriksherggade slret- ehes to fhe cily’s Western-port. From the Northern ramparls Go t h c r s g a d e (Gothic St.), 800 yards long, runs to Kongens Nytorv, where il joins Store Kong e n s g ad e (Great King SI.) which, running paralel with Rredgadc and Amaliegade, conducts to Nyboder and the Eastern port. To reach the Norllicrn part of the city from Amagertorv, we go up St or e Kjob mager gade past the famous Round Tower ' up Li tt l e Kj ohm a g e r gade , across the Kultorvet or Charcoal Market and up Frederi ksborgga. de. The principal public Squares and open Places arc: Ama l i e bo r g or Frede ri ks p l a d s , an octagon formed by the Royal palaccs, in the ecn- Lre of which tbc equestrian Statue of Frederik the V is reared; St. Annæ Place, or Ga r n i s o n s ­ p l a d s e n (Garri s on Place) where thore is a pleasant promenade greatly patroniscd by nursery maids and children of all ages, presided over by the bronze statue of Denmark’s most famous poet Øc h l e n s c h l æg e r , seated in calin dignity in a eomfortable armchair; and frowned upon by fhe ugliest of churehes — that of the Garrison.

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