the Rampart s from theWestgale of tho city to thc Eastgate. These arc planted with lail, sliady trees, and along thc bastion are foot- pathes from which lliere arc commanding points of vicw over thc suburbs and thc country beyond. If desirous of cnjoying the fresh sea-air, wc have only to clioose for our morning walk thc xLongl i ne* in the Citadel Frederikshavn, from which lliere is a beauliful view over thc roadslcd. This walk was formerly only acccssible to those who had purchased a tickel of ad­ mission, now it is open to all from sunrise to sunset and in fine wealher it is thronged with pcoplc of all classes. A similar walk is in thc Es p l a n a d e , or, as it is called «the Green» extending from thc customhousc to the Eastgate, footpalhes having been lately laid down along thc moat. St. Anna p l a c e , leading from Bredgaden to the harbour, may be also looked upon as a promonade, and will bc a plcasant lounge enough wlicn tho trees that arc planted lliere have attained to such a growtli that lliey ean afford some shade. Phi l os op h g a n g e n , The Phi l os o - p h e r ’s wa l k , is the naine of the sliady roadway below thc ramparts between the Wesl- gate and tho mililary riding-house. A favourile

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