and w liic h , aflor C r o s sin g Ih c m o a l and I r a v e r s in g Ihe ramparls, branch o li in lo all Ilto ramiflca- lio n s necessary fo r Ih e supply of every «(iuartcr» e v e r y s ir c e l, and e v e r y lto u s e in Ih e town. On Ihe left hånd side of the way is Tivoli and opposite il a tasteful budding in a fine garden wliich serves as «summcr-house» for Ihe «Kings Club«. A liltle farther on lies Ihe Copenhagen «terminus» or chief railway-station, opened the 14th of October 1864, so magni- ficent a structurc and so practical in every rcspect, that thero are not raany in the world that exccl it. It is buill by Professor Il e r­ holdt; is 264 feet long and 80 feet high. Up the enlire centre runs a vasl Perron with a vaulted roof of 132 arches r covercd willi glass. The whole building and grounds occupy more than 3 acres. About midway up the avenue, stands a fine Obelisk, called the Pi 11ar o f Frc edom (Friheds­ støtten), raised by the eilizens and the pcasants in honour of Christian the VII and Frederik VI, Ilten Crown Prince, to cornmomorate the abolilion of villanage. The Obelisk, wliich rests on a pedestal of Norwcgian marble is 48 feet high. On Ilte easl and wesl sides of Ihc pedestal are bas­ reliefs, representing a S e r f ’s r e l c a s c f rom Bonda g e and the Godde s s of Jus t i c e ; the four corners are adorned with beauli-

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