able for the natural beauty of ils site, and the charming scenery surrounding il. Lcaving Klampenborg on the right and follovving the road that lcads norlhward through the Deer park, we conic in sight of a large square huiUling on a rising grounds lo the left; this is the hunting lodge huilt hy Chri­ stian VI in 1736 , called the Ilerrnitage. There is litlle worthy of nole ahout the budd­ ing ilself, hut the vicw from the balcony is indeed splendid. Still farther loward the norlh lics Raad- vaddam, the so-called «File-work», a factory of Steel and hard-warc, hclonging to an Iron- mongcr - eompany in Copenhagcn, and well known for ils romantic situation. From the Filc-work a road lcads eastward lo Mr. Drew- s e n ’s Paper-mill, and nortlnvard to Skods - borg the beauliful villa of Ilis Majesty Ring Frederik VIl’s widow, her Gracc Lehnscomless of Danner. On the 'West side of the Deer Park lies For t une and Erme l u n d s h o u s e , and lo the norlh Brede (clotli - wrnrks) and Ørholm (Paper-mill) — all worthy of being visited on account of the beauty of the scenery in which they lic. Bul the day is drawing to its closc and wc must think of relurning home. Wc will

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