slations or rather stages: Frederiksberg circtis, Tivoli, SI. Anna-place, the Green and Vibens- house, witb a brancli line by File-alleen (the Willow-avenue) pasl tbc Slotskro fo the Iron Gate wlicre it joins the ebief line. Tbc fare is betwen any two intennediate stations 4 /3, tbc whole way 12 /3. Tbis line will in a few days bc prolongcd from ils present terminus Vihenshousc to Slukefter on tbc Slrand-way, probably lo Hellerup rail-way-station. A brancli tram-way is already laid from the line at Ti­ voli to the Copenhagcn-Ivlampenborg railway- terminus in Copenbagen, the station of tbc waggons of Ibis brancli - line being in front of the Theater Royal on Kongens-Nytorv. From caeh tram - way terminus tbe waggons start every 12 minutes. There are Proschker - stands on all tbe different market places and in many other thoroughfares in tbe city. Tbe fares are rc- gulated as follows: Rd. # li Witbin tbe City and Christianshavn » 1 12

From tbc City and Christianshavn and the contrary, to tbe Castel, to Tivoli and lo tbe railway-sla- tion ....................................................» . To tbc West-Rridge (Vesterbro) as far as Frederiksberg avenue, to tbe



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