The town has of late been very much impro- ved by filling up and budding on Ihe old Naval arsenal called Gamme l holm ( Ol d - h o l m) and where now many fine sireels and magni- flcient buildings have been creeted, sueli as thc St udc nt ’s Club, Mr. Gron’s Wa reb o us e and above ail theNati o n al Bank now underbuilding. We may also mention a slructure inlended for a Ha zar and NVintergar d e n , building under the superintendancc and on Ihe account of Cap­ tain Ri i se. — Ry Ihe filling up of Ihe old canal a eonsiderable extenl of ground has been gained and this has been planted with trecs and shrubs, so that Ihere is every prospect that this quartcr of thc town will, on account of ils airy and very attractive situation and ollier advantageous circumstances connecled with it, very soon become most flourishing. Cliuiclies and Cliurchyards. Fruekirke, Cliurch of our Lady, siluatcd immediately in front of the University, is onc of the principal churches of the Capital. Aftør being several times burnt down, thc last lime in 1807, whcn ils superb spire was levelled by thc shells of the Iinglish, il has been re- buill in a Grecian - Latin style by thc State-

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