Money ordcrs ,r:Post officc orders inust be de­ livered liere within an liour before tbc dc- parture of Ibe mail. The Office for Parcels is open evcry veek- day from 9 a. m. lo 7 p. m. and on Sun- days from 9—10, 11—1T 5—7. The lown-delivering Office is open every xveek-day from 7 a. m. lo 8 p. m. On lioli- days from 7 a. m. lo 12. m. A List of tlie different public Collections with tbe Days and Hours on which tbey are to be seen. Sun day. —2. The Museum of Natural Ilistory (Zoo- logy). — 2. Thorvaldsen’s Museum. —2. The Royal Gallery of Paintings (From llh of May to the lth of Sep­ tember) Monday. 12— 2. Coin-and Medal-Cabinet (llh May lo lth November). 5—7. Museum of Norlhern Anliquities (lth May to lth September). 3— 5. Museum of Northern Anliquities (in September). i l l i li

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