gade souietimes called Frederik’s Church. This slruction was comnienced in 1749 on a Iruly magnificicnl plan, bul, for wanl of tho neccs- sary funds, came lo a sland-slill boforo il was lmlf coniplelcd. Aflor slanding for ncarly a ccnlury as a picluresque ruin, il has lately bccn docidod that il is to bo pullod down, though il sooms nolhing has as yel boen doterinined on wilh rogard to Iho spacious placc on which il stands. The principal churchos aro opcn lo visitors out of church hours on applying lo tho church- sorvant or pcw-oponcr. Most of tho churchos of tho metropolis liave thoir own grave-yards bosido their walls; bul as lliese for sanilary roasons aro nol allowcd to bo usod any longer for burial, many fino and spacious «Church-yards» as tlioso cxlraniu- ral conictorios arc slillcalled, are oulsido tho eily- galos. Aniong tlioso Assi s l on s c church yard distinguishes ilsolf, nol only by tho grcat extent and beautiful laying out of ils grounds, bul also by the nunicrous slatoly and oven splendid tonibs erceted thcrc. The Anny and tho Navy have each thoir especial burial ground on Østerbro (Easl Bridge). Tho Jovvs have their on Nørrebro (North Bridge).

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