Ihe museum and Ihe like, and bcsidcs a litlle scienlific library. Finally there are two spa- cious apartments intended for leeture - rooms for Ihe zoologic.al students, and in Ihe cellar places and conveniencies for the ruder work of science, for example, for Ihe boiling down of dead anials to oblain tbeir skelelons, and so forlb. Unto Ibis day — April 1868 — Ihe mu­ seum is not open, Ihe zoological Ircasurcs il contains not being yet arranged; bul Ibis will most undoublcdly soon be the case, and Co- penhagen will then possess a museum that il may bc juslly proud of. It is intended that it shall be open to the public certain days of the week. Den polytechniske Læreanstalt; The Poly- tecknic Schoul; established in two bouses, for­ merly the residencc of two professors, in St. Pederstræde Nr. 13, entrance in Studiistræde, was founded in 1829 by Frederik VI. The house consisls of two slories whereof the ground-tloor is used as onc of the Chemical Laboratories during leetures as well for work- place. On the upper tloor is the great lcclurc- room that contains 250 hearers. On the same tloor is the great lool and inslrumcnl-room (Ap- paratsal — apparatus room). There is besides in an other part of the budding a library and

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