is very roomy and spacious and conlains besi- des spacious slablcs, a riding-housc, a riding- ground, assembly rooms, a library, rooms for an important museum appertaining to llie dif- ferent knowledge there taught, and a residence for llie rector and two of the teachers. The institution is calculated for from 2 to 3000 students. Among ollier Scientiflc institutions that parlly are connectcd with the university and partly are independent of il, we will not ondt to men- tion the Phy si olo g ie al Zoo tom i c Museum founded in 1841 on Mr. Eschricht’s valuable colleclion of skclelons, chielly whales, now in the cellars of the university budding under the great hall. Nor do wc l'orget the B o l a n i c - G a r d c n at Charlolteborg, in which there are more than 10,000 plant s, nor the Nat ur a l - h i s l o - r i c a l Mu s e um wliich count Moltkc presented to the university and which is now to be found in the communily-building. Many important foundations, legacies and stipends for the supports of students belong to the University. Among such we will men- tion: The Coniniiiuity and Regents - Benefice, Avhich now consisls partly in weekly stipends, partly in frec lodging in llie Rcgcnls-building;

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