Copenhagen is in poscssion of several public Libraries of great inlcrcst and value. The most important of thesc is tlic Royal Library, whose magnitude and intrinsic wealth in rare and valuable books and manuscripts entille il lo rank among Ihc firsl in Europe. 11 is containcd in a fine spacious suile of aparlments in Christiansborg Palace, with a rcading-room adjoining. More than 400,000 volumes and 500 manuscripts, arranged with an order, the practical Utility of whicli is really admirablc, are hore collected. This library was founded by Frederik III in 1662—64 and has since been augmented from lime to time by the acquisition by purchasc of diffe- rent collcclions of valuable books and manu­ scripts, such as the library of IIj e l m s t j e r n e - I l o s e n k r o n c and the collcction of manuscripts and prinled works once belonging to S u hm and Tb o tt. The magnitude wbich this library bas at- lained, besides other circumslanccs, demanded an extention of room for the collcction, and several additional rooms on the groundfloor have consequently been taken in usc. Books are lent aut every week-day from 11— 3 at whicli time the rcading-room is open. Unirersitctsliibliothckct, The Lniversity Library, has a budding for ilself situate at the

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