as onc of the sights most worthy of notice in the Capital, not only on account of the multi- ludc of objecls appertaining to the eqvipment of a fleel, but also with regard lo the aclivity ever prevalcnt there during Avorking liours, and the admirable order everywhere predo- minent. The New - Do c k , on tbe lille Holm of Anker-isle adjoining Nyholm and forming a part of the same, is built of brickwork and of granit, has a breadth across the sluice of 58 fcet, a length of 250, and is capable of re- cciving ships drawing 20 fcet. The water is pumped in and out by steam. The English Engineer, Alfred Giles, has made the designs and, for the most part, superintended the budĀ­ ding. It was opened the 18th of August 1858. In the immediate vicinity of Nyholm, in the north part of the harbour, there where it is widest, lies the Fl e et , seperated from the channel by a narrow tloating bridge, 3000 feet long. The Vi c t ual l i ng yard, from which the Navy is supplied with provisions, is in Toi- husgade close lo the Arsenal.

Even previous lo the great Volunlcer-move- ments there werc many Sho o t i ng So c i el i es

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