in Ihe Capital among olliers Ihc Co mm on S h o o t i n g - C l u b , of which all and evcry onc could becomc a member on paying 10 Hd. once for all, or by a yearly lliicket of admis­ sion for 1 Rd., and Ihe Ac ademi c S c h o o - t i ng Cl ub, composcd exclusivcly of student. It is said that tlicse two Shooling Soeieties or Clubs arc lo bc uniled. Don kgl. Militaire lloiskolo, (The Royal MUitary lligli-school) bcing now done away wilh, a scliool for officers has been instituted in its stcad, wilh tlic view of educating officers for the army in general, and for somc bran­ ches of the Navy. It counts of four classes intendcd to undergo a gradual course of in­ struction. Non-commisioned-Officers arc ad- mitted to the youngest class to rcccive an education lliat fils them for holding tlieir com- misions as officers. Promotion to the rank of lieulnant depends on passing an examination in the next highest. At the head of the administration is a Colonel. The scliool is al present cslablished in the premises of the former Military-Academy, bul il is said that the Palace of Frederiksberg is to be devoted to this institution. The Nav a l - a c ad emy in bredgade, establis- hed in 1681, i s , in reality, only a develop- mcnl of the Scliool of Navigation founded by

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