lescents can enjoy air and exercise. It was buill from Ihe design of the skilful architect Mr. Chr. Ilanscn. Almindeligt Hospital, founded by Christian VII, lies in Amaliegade opposite Frederiks Hos­ pital. Bcfore Ihe ereclion of the Municipal Hospital it Avas mostly intended for patients belonging lo the poor and ncedy class. N oav it partly serves as a poorhouse, partly as a hospital for patients suffernig by cutaneous diseases, and for the incurablc poor patients. It contains moreover an asylum and charity- scliool for poor children. Garnisonshospitalet, The Garrison Hospital, in Iligensgade is for military persons This very spacious budding, containing 60 Avards, Avas raised during the reign of Frederik the III, and originally it Avas granted the charlatan Burrhi for alchymistical purposcs, for Avhich reason it used to be called «Guldhuset» (The Golden-house). Frederik the VI caused it lo be converted into a military clotb manufactory, and it Avas not until 1817 that it Avas fllted up for ils present use. Søetatens Hospital, The Naval Hospital, founded in the ycar 1806, has a line and spa­ cious building siluated in Nyboder. lt can reccive 150 patients; the annual average amounts

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