kilde. In 1860 a new budding of impo­ sant dimensions was added to tho old hospi­ tal; it can rccoive 120 patients and is provi- ded wilh all the later accomodations of our days. The Hospital for Idiots, founded in 1855 after the plan of Professor Iliibertz and by voluntary conlribulions, was formerly situated in «Gamle Bakkehus« at Valby. In 1860 it has, partly by means of a lottery partly by charitable donations, gol a very grandeous and imposant budding of its own not far from ils old site. It is construeted afler the design of Professor Meldahl, is very practical and has aecomodalion for 60 children. The fresh air and agreable environs connccted wilh a careful cducation have, upon the whole, had a very advanlagoously influonce on the children. bi 1861 an asylum fer iucurable idiots was erected. On Vestervold, opposite lo Vestergade, the Bandagist Rasmussen hus erccted lim so-called niedicopneumatisk Anstalt, that has for its ob- ject, the curing of patients, suffering from asthma and several diseases of the eyes, by hot air. The Hospital and School for Heaconesses, founded in 1863 and presided over by Her Majesty the Qveen, has for ils principal object

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