A fcw y e a r s ago Es t a b l i s hme n t s for Gymn a s t i c a l Ex e r c i s e s were aranged by the physisians Dr a c hmann & Sehi ødt (Gam- mellorvNo. 18), Nyc ande r (Itolbergsgade No. 2) and Sc hous l r up (Amagertorv No. 6). Charitable Institutions. Yarton, or, as it formerly was called, Hel- liggcistes-IIospital , sitnale at tbo corner of Earvegade and Veslervold, and is said to bc founded in the year 1475. It is intended for the rcceipt of old and needy persons, who liere have free dwclling, board and a small weekly pension, and has in all 508 places whereof 432 are free. The principal incomes of this institution arise from legacies; most of the testators have reserved to themselves the dispositions of beds for one or more persons. The budding has lately undergone a thorough restoralion, by which it has become far more comfortable than before. Instead of the large bedrooms smaller aparlments have been fitted up, capablc of containing 6—8 beds. A cliurch is annexed. Abel Catriue's Alm llousc in Dronningens- TYergade No. 39 was erectcd in 1675 by

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