establislied a t e l e g r aphi c Office, from whicli most of llic journals and a great many iner- clianls are provided witli telegrams froin for- eign countries. Tho charge is, in proportion, ratlier moderate. The manufacturers of the Capital has of laler years made no lillle progress and many arlicles of trade, formerly oblained from abroad, are now made home. This wc owe, partly lo the fore-menlioned Polytecnical School and the Industrial Association, partly lo the Fund of Mr. Reiersen, whicli by ils vaste resource, sup- porting industriel and manufacturing under- takings, allowing slipends lo arlisans desirous of travelling, and so fortil, has in a high degree promoted the home industry. Of the most important factories in Copen- liagen P o r c e l l a i n s f a b r i kk e n , The Por- ce l ai n Fact o ry Store Kjobmagergade 50, merits our nolicc. This was unlil 1867 the property of the crown when il was hought by Mr. Falck on the account of a joinlstock com- pany. The fine painted vases and biseuit (opaque cliina) flgure made liere may assuredly be comparcd witli all the objccts of that kind ma- nufactured anywherc in Europe. An annual exhibilion bakes place liere in the aulumn,

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