wlien inany liltlc dåmaged objecls of great cxcllcnec and beauty are sold for balf their value. Bi ng & Gr o n dal’s Ghina Pac tory is situatcd on Vesterbro. Arlicles of great value are also made liere, but we particularly draw the travcllers attention to tbe ehief production of Ibis establishment, namely, the exellens bis- euit figures of the works of Thorvaldsen, ex- posed for sale by Mr. Ilenriques, Amagertorv 7 and by Mr. Bing at the eorner of Pilestræde and Kronprindsensgade. About 110 workmen are employed liere. Machi ne Works. Of these Copenhagen posesses several of great importance. Ba um- gar t e n and Wa i n ’s establishments, metal and iron foundries, in Christianshavn, are very extensive. About 12— 1400 workmen are employed, and a vast number of maehines of the hest and most appropriate conslruction, as well for public as for private use, are liere produeed. h o v e n e r has his machins works and iron foundry in Christianshavn. Gam si and Lund’s machine works and bell foundry, em- ploying a large number of workmen, are al Vestervold. — Of ollier machine works wortli of being noliced we will mention, those ofMr. P i c kh o f , where printingpresses and olher me- ehanical works are made. Ande r s en ’s machine

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