factory on Gamle Kongevej (Svanholm) is most nseful in making agricultural implements. Fr e de r i k s vær k , a grand factory, is the property of Ihc crown; it tproduces arms for the army, and lirst rate cutlery. Atltaadvad- dain, in the Deer Park, the ironmongers of Copenhagen have established a factory for hardwares. Ainong othcr faclories and establishments worlh of nolice wc will mention: C. Møl l er’s Grit-mill at Langebro, Tu t e i n ’s Sugar Refinery; afler having been burnt down several times il has now been rebuilt on a most grand scale at the corncr of Adelgadc and llelsingørs- gade; Rico and Bone Mi 11 on Bodensplace; II o l mb l ad ’s establishments for Card s and Moul di ng of Candl es in Golhcrsgade; F r e ­ dens Møl l es ’ Faet or ie s, beyond Amagerporl, for manufacturing patent Man ure. — OfBava- rian Beer Br ewe ri c s there are tree very important, viz; J a c o b s e n ’s al Valdby, IIey- man’s on Gamle Kongevei (Svanholm) and Al- dersro established soine years ago by a join- stock company. From lliese brewerics the whole Benmark is supplied with beer. In addition to above named we may still mention, The Royal Br cwe ry at Langebro and Twe de ’s on Vesterbro. In Snaregade Mr. Brønd um has established a S team Bi s til lery.

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