orchestra under the direetion of Mr. Lumby. Nol far from the entranco of Ihe establishment pantomimes, dances &c. are performed at an open theatre; on a large platform, opposite the concerl-hall various companies exhibit Iheir gymaslic feats; in the circus are equestrian performances, panoramas, physieal and Chemi­ cal experimenls and so like. Finnally a great many places of public entertainment may bo found, so that scarccly any accustomed amusement is wanting. Towards the end of summer «Festivals« are given vvith all the attraction of coloured lamps and flrcworks , the latter under the direetion of the skill'ul pyrotechnisl Gaétano Amioi. No tourist visiting Copenhagen in summer should omit spending an evening in Tivoli. Alliamlira in Frederiksbergallee was a joint- slock-company affair, set a going by George Carstensen, who died before it was completed. Evidently established in opposition to Tivoli, il has sufficiently proved itself to bc a mis- take. A very considerable capital, no less than 600,000 lid., was embarked in this enter- price and afler passing from the hånds of one set of managers into those of anotber, without the shareholders ever rcceiving any returns, nay, without the expenees of keeping it up

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