The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


Logan, Robert E. Beyond Church Growth . Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1989.

Malphurs, Aubrey. Planting Growing Churches for the 21 Century: A Comprehensive Guide for New Churches and Those Desiring Renewal , 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1998.

Mull, Marlin. A Biblical Church Planting Manual from the Book of Acts . Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003.

Shenk, David W. and Ervin R. Stutzman. Creating Communities of the Kingdom: New Testament Models of Church Planting . Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1988.

Stetzer, Edward J. Planting Missional Churches . Nashville, TN: B&H Publishers, 2006.

Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird. “The State of Church Planting in the United States: Research Overview and Qualitative Study of Primary Church Planting Entities.” ( The Leadership Network , 2007), /10228.pdf.

V. Free Church Planting Resources

Cheyney, Tom, J. David Putman and Van Sanders, eds. S even Steps for Planting Churches . Alpharetta, GA: North American Mission Board, SBC, 2003.

A free resource that describes a seven-step process for church planting. It is available at .

Davis, Don. .

There are hundreds of free sermons, lectures, papers, diagrams, and other resources relevant to urban church planters developed by Dr. Don Davis at . ———. Winning the World: Facilitating Urban Church Planting Movements (Foundations for Ministry Series). Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute Press, 2007. This entire course on church planting movements is available for free at . The website www.biblicaltraining. org has dozens of other free seminary courses on it as well.

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