2024-2025 Official Tourist Guide of the Îles de la Madeleine

Travelling in Québec – General Information

Travelling in Québec

Bars, Casinos and Purchasing Alcohol You must be at least 18 years old to enter bars, pubs, nightclubs and casinos, as well as to purchase or consume alcohol (be prepared to produce ID if asked). Wines and spirits are sold through the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ), the provincial liquor board. Beer is available at grocery and conve nience stores, which also stock a limited selection of wines. Currency Exchange There are numerous exchange offices in Québec’s main urban centres. Airports also offer exchange services. Some businesses accept American money, but tend to offer a less competitive rate than the exchange offices. Driving in Québec Since Canada uses the metric system, speed limits and distances are posted in kilometres per hour (km/h) and gasoline is sold by the litre (l). It is illegal to transport or use radar detectors in Québec. Drugs and Driving This Act introduces a zero-tolerance principle when it comes to drugs and driving by prohi biting anyone from driving a vehicle if there is a detectable presence of cannabis or any other drug in that person’s saliva. Offenders are subject to an immediate 90-day suspension of their driver’s licence. The new legislation also includes other measures, such as the prohibition from consuming drugs (cannabis or any other drug) in a road vehicle, on an off-road vehicle or on a bicycle.

Winter Tires From December 1 to March 15, all taxis and passenger vehicles registered in Québec must be equipped with winter tires. This requirement also applies to rental passenger vehicles in Québec. Road Conditions For information on road conditions or other aspects of trip-planning, call 511 or 1 888 355-0511, or visit quebec511.info. Tourist Signage In Québec, tourist regions and directions to services, attractions and activities are indicated by blue road signs. For more information, visit panneaubleu.com and tourisme.gouv.qc.ca/signalisation (in French only). Making a Comment or Conveying Dissatisfaction If you wish to comment on or are dissatisfied with the tourism services you received in Québec, please contact: Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec 1 877 686 8358, #7 comment@alliancetouristique. com Voltage In Québec, the standard voltage is 110 volts/60 cycles, as it is throughout North America. Since the outlets cannot accommodate European plugs, you will need to bring or buy an adaptor.



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