Stepping into Management Knowledge

Brand Standard Audit

What is it and why do we do it?

It is a periodic check that must be completed in each business to ensure the brand standards that are outlined in the Brand Standard Manual are being achieved consistently to ensure all our guests have the best experience. Each of our brands have hallmarks which are our signature features and help guests identify that they are in one of our sites. It is important that all team members are aware of the brand standards and work together to meet the brand expectations so that no matter which site guests visit they will receive the same experience. You can find your Brand Standard Manual in Brands & Formats on the Outlet Document Library which you can access from the back office PC.


The Brand Standard Audit is to be completed on the business tablet or any devise that has Nintex installed. The audit should be completed in Week 1 of each period and work through the Next Steps generated, your RBM will complete a quarterly audit as well.

Completing the form:

When you start you’ll be asked for your 3 digit District Number. If you’re not sure what yours is, please ask your RBM. It’s really important that this is entered correctly . The form is a list of questions and you answer each one ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and simply follow it through. You can scroll up and down to jump around from section to section as you move around your business. At the end of each section, you’ll be asked if you want to create an action plan and you’ll be prompted to add photos of your business. Photos should be added in all cases - either to show off about how great your business looks, or to show where the improvement is needed. The photos can be taken on the tablet and they should be a clear, good representation of the area you’re checking. Two or three per area should do it. 1) When you first access the form, do it somewhere with decent Wi-Fi. That way it’ll be quicker to load and you’ll get all of the pictures that are on there to help. button) just in case. That way it’ll be in your drafts box should you lose it or if someone needs the tablet for something else. 3) Type in any actions required as actual ‘next steps’ and assign the job to a person (just like PDR Next Steps). The form will also ask you for a date by which the next step will be completed. Whatever you put in the action box will be visible to everyone as your action plan. For example: if the ashtrays in the garden aren’t clean… Do put something like: “Empty and wash garden ashtrays and add to closing checklist – Assistant Manager” Don’t put something like : “Ashtrays are full” – because that’s not an action and can’t be signed off as completed. 2) Save it periodically as you’re completing it (hit the Three tips:

On completion of the audit an e-mail with your Next Steps will be sent to the business email address for you to print off if you want to.

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