Figure 9: Frequency of critical incidents among students

More than 70% of the respondents stated that they had been involved in or witnessed critical incidents. More specifically, 42% had been involved, while 32% had seen a critical incident where other people were involved. Only 10% of the respondents stated that they had never witnessed or been involved in critical incidents (Figure 10). One respondent directly involved in a critical incident stated: “I do not drink alcohol and often ask the reason (my religion). I am excluded in parties and social activities because of this.” Another interviewee stated: “Yes, they ask more details about my religion or background. Later, they try not to ask me to hangout because I don’t drink for example, lol”. On the other hand, one of the interviewees stated that he took antithetical positions depending on the case. Specifically, this person commented: “Imposing my point of view to the persons who discussed me. Also, passive did not care as I know what I want”.

Figure 10: Role of the interviewee during a critical incident

Regarding the strategies adopted, the most frequent response was to act as a mediator (35% of cases). An attitude of passivity prevails over an active mindset. Figure 11 shows how 7 respondents stated that they took a step back or had an attitude of inertia in the critical incident situation. On the contrary, only 4 persons had an active attitude and, in some cases, tried to make their point of view prevail. Among the mediators, one respondent stated: “I approach it with an intellectual perspective and have a peaceful conversation.”


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