Annex 2 – Questionnaires addressed to financial intermediaries workers SHORT REFERENCE LEGEND (definitions)  Multicultural context: a context where ideas, beliefs or people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds match, possibly generating virtuous or problematic effects  Diversity (social, cultural, ethnic, religious): the identity of an individual defined in terms of the distance from the group s/he belongs to; it can be because of political, social, cultural, ethnic and/or religious in nature)  Critical Incident: an event out of the range of normal experience, caused by diversity (see the above definition), and resulting in an unexpected, mostly undesired outcome, capable of slowing down or interrupting – in this context – daily business activities. a) What is your age? b) What is your background and what (which degree if any) / where did you study? c) What kind of FI you are affiliated with? d) What is your social, ethnic, religious and/or professional identity and how do you fit in your assignments on a scale from 1 to 10? e) How is that you work in a financial intermediary, was it your aim (yes or no)? f) Do you feel part of your organisation and are you happy of the role you play? (if not, was your career in your opinion hindered by social or cultural discrimination?) g) Do you feel most engaged in multicultural context or just bored by the need to smooth differences? in other words … Do you feel multicultural contexts as virtuous or problematic? h) Do you feel your organisation as a sensitive one speaking about cultural, ethnic and/or gender differences? i) If you feel your identity as a most specific one in the context you experience every day, answer the following three questions: 1) On a scale from 1 to 10, please indicate how strongly you identify with your team 2) Do you feel your context as a multicultural one (effective or potential) and capable of recognising your diversity and treat it as a value added? 3) Is it your diversity felt like a problem by the bank (insurance company or other)? (YES, or NO … why) j) Do you think ethnic or cultural differences affect the progression of careers and salary in your institutions? (If yes in which way)


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