HK039-Silver Yuan


4014 1949 A Claimed Value double registered cover from Daijuk to Chungking, bearing Shanghai print Unit stamps Domestic Ordinary x 2, Domestic registered x 3, total rate 55c (domestic rate 5c, domestic registration 15c, domestic registered AR 15c and Claimed value 20c) tied by ‘DAIJUK/25.8.49’ cds, ‘CHUNGKING/29.8.49’ arrival cds and Claimed Value cancel, Claimed Value Silver Yuan covers are very rare. Photo 1949年大足寄重慶報值雙掛號銀元封:中式封貼上海版銀元單位基數國內信函費單位票2枚,國內掛號費單 位票3枚,郵資共計銀元55分(國內郵資5分,國內掛號15分,國內掛號回執15分,報值費20分),銷大足卅 八.八月廿五戳報值雙掛號寄重慶,有重慶卅八.八月廿九落地戳,封面另銷有報值戳,銀元時期報值掛號 封相當少見。 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000


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