HK039-Silver Yuan


4015 1949 A double registered cover from Onshum to Canton, bearing Shanghai print Unit stamps Domestic Ordinary x 2, Domestic Express x 2, tied by ‘ONSHUN/26.5.49’ cds, ‘CHUNGKING/29.5.49’ transit, ‘CANTON/18.6.49’ arrival cds, since the Supreme Count moved to Chungking, this letter had ‘CHUNGKING’ transit, with another ‘CHUNGKING/16.7.16’ arrival cds. Photo 1949年安順寄廣州轉重慶雙掛號銀元封:中式封貼上海版銀元單位基數國內信函費單位票2枚,國內快遞費 單位票2枚,銷貴州安順卅八.五月廿六戳雙掛號寄廣州,經重慶銷重慶卅八.五月廿九中轉戳,有廣州銷 卅八.六月十八落地戳,因最高法院遷址重慶,因此信件轉寄重慶,有重慶卅八.七月十六落地戳,另銷『 最高法院收件章』。 HK$ 1,200 - 1,500


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